"Before, Sasuke's chakra used to be very dark, gloomy, negative. One of the first things I noticed when I came back was that it was considerably lighter. It doesn't give off the same menacing aura it used to the last time I saw him. Dare I say it, his signature has gotten softer and more amicable. Nowhere near as friendly as yours, but it's still changed very much."

"What is my signature like?" I asked curiously, eager to know what my chakra looked like in the eyes of those who could see it.

"Yours is bright and warm," said Shisui in a soft murmur. "Welcoming and friendly. It's the complete opposite of Sasuke's, but I think that's another reason why the two of you are so compatible. Yin and yang. Black and white."

"Gross, can you please not refer to us like that," I said with just a hint of repugnance. "You're reading into this shit way too much. We shared a few moments, that was it. Nothing else."

"I beg to differ," scoffed Shisui. "You're the first girl I've ever met who has talked so much with Sasuke, not counting our family members. What's the bet sometime during one of your fuck sessions he accidentally let out a deep, dark secret?"

"There were no secrets to let out, Shisui," I said defensively. "We literally only talked about his work, how he doesn't agree with his father but he can't do anything about it. The way he talked actually reminded me a lot of you, and what you think of the clan. Imagine how you feel, and multiply it by ten. Sasuke is his father's right hand man; can you imagine what kind of pressure he's under to fulfill his role as a son to the clan leader and as a general?"

"Possibly, but I don't care to sympathise with my cousin," said Shisui truthfully, eyes focused on the road ahead of us. "We've both had our fair share of battles, for the clan and with it."

I bit my lip, recalling one night where Sasuke spoke to me of a battle that involved the Uchiha invasion of Tanigakure, the Hidden Village of the Land of Rivers.

"Shisui, at the battle of Tanigakure... did the Uchiha really... did you guys really kill anyone who had a chakra signature?"

As strange and contradictory to what was happening in Konoha, Sasuke explained to me that outside of the Land of Fire, possibly even just outside the village, the clan's initiative was simple: wipe out anyone who possessed chakra. He never gave me a reason why, but seeing as it was the Uchiha clan, I didn't need one. They were already fucked up as it was.

"Yes." Shisui finally answered after what seemed to be years, and I let out a little sigh of disappointment. "Every land we conquered, we wiped out those with chakra."

"You guys are fucking crazy," I muttered under my breath. "You guys are selective with who you want, huh?"

"Actually, that's just it. Within the Land of Fire and it registered citizens, we're absorbing them into our ranks and using them to our advantage. Anyone else who wields chakra is considered a threat to the purity of our system, so we have to weed them out."

"Purity? There's nothing pure about anything you guys are doing! You're picking and choosing who gets to keep their chakra, and who doesn't?! What is wrong with you?!"

"Kohana-chan, please don't take it out on me," said Shisui weakly, instantly shutting me up. "Look, there's something else I need to tell you. Something about your chakra."

I perked up in my seat, intent on knowing anything that had to do with why I was so coveted by this stupid clan.

"Not only are you descended from a noble clan, but you're also the host of a sky god's chakra."

"Heh?" I blinked in confusion, unsure if I had heard Shisui right. "Sorry... sky god?"

"It's a long story," said Shisui tiredly. "But a long time ago, a sky spirit descended upon earth, consumed most of its chakra, then had said chakra extracted from her and the Kurotsuki clan ended up being responsible for guarding it. I'm not sure how it leads to- ah, that's right, I meant to tell you! While I was in Suna with Naruto, I met a woman named Kannon. There's no denying that the two of you are related! Same hair, same eyes, everything!"

𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐑𝐄 | sasuke uchihaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang