Chapter 69 - Glitchtale: Time's Running Out......

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"You located them, Leo?", Hazel put a hand on his shoulder.

Leo groaned. "My monster-proof GPS isn't working. It's going bananas!"

It was at that time when Frank was eating a banana.

Annabeth cracked a nerve. "WHY DID YOU MAKE A PUN!?"

Leo looked at Frank. "Oops. I didn't know. Sorry."


"We need to get out of here", Percy looked around for a door.

Sans pointed to one. "How about there?"

The person in the shadows smirked and made the extraction faster on Hiccup and Percy.

"Ngg......", Percy groaned. "Aaaahhh!!!"

Both boys we're clutching their chests in so much pain.

Sans didn't know what to do.


"Ugh.....I wish this all never happened", Chara looked down. "Sans, Percy and Hiccup would still be here and we'll be beating the ____ of that pink girl."

Fiery sighed. "You could reset, Chara. But I fear that if you do, everything would be reset and we'll be back on the beginning."

Carla grabbed Leo. "I see something on that empty space. Come on!"

Leo winced. "Carla, that's probably a riIIIIIPPPP!!!!!!!!"

But Carla already dragged Leo towards where she saw something.

The person disappeared in the shadows, scowling.


Sans looked left and right.

Hiccup looked at Sans weakly.

"Go.....", Hiccup weakly said to him. "Warn them about Please...."

Percy gripped on Sans. "Go. Now. Do us a favor, bro?"

Sans nodded hesitantly. "I will. I'll be back as soon as I can!"

And he left in a hurry, desperate to SAVE his friends.


*Percy and Hiccup called for help...


*B嚚t n又b₪dy c웃me.



Laughter echoed.

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