Chapter 29: Don't Walk Away From Your Best Mistake

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:We can change the world tomorrow, it could be a better place. But if you don't like what I'm sayin', then won't you slap my face?:

I flared in anger and distraught at Mark for being so careless, "Why would you leave the drug somewhere else in the first place?"

"I had to Mike, there was a girl who looked like she was about to pass out, I had to help her."

I couldn't believe it! All because of one girl, "The only job you had was to hold on to the drugs while I give those idiots Chandler's money in exchange of his cocaine, not to become someone's knight in shiny armour! Fuck! It's not that hard of a job, Mark," I ran my fingers through my hair as I paced around the club, thinking of a solution to the problem. The morphine could literally be anywhere!

"Okay, I'm sorry for being an idiot, but can we please help this poor girl out? Her life could be at stake here," Mark insisted with the worry in his eyes getting stronger. He honestly reminded me of myself when I used to be young and miserable, or am I still that person?

"Forget her Mark, people like her are obstacles, distractions, we need to focus in our task, and that's what we need to do."

As I slung the bag with the cocaine over my back, I walked towards the exit of the club before Mark stopped me and turned me around to face him, "Urgh, what is it now? If it's on the girl again, then I'm not gonna-"

"Just goddamn help her Mike!" Mark quickly interrupted me with a scowl on his face, "Please Michael, be human for once."

I sighed in defeat, honestly done with this silly argument, knowing that if I help whoever this poor girl is, the world would still be the same, and I would still be the same.

"Fine, lead me to the girl," I said in a more calmer voice as relief washed over Mark's face before dragging me towards the bar where the girl was, expecting her to be drunk and depressed because of, I don't know, boyfriend issues maybe?

My expectations were high, but despite of my great expectations, I still came across the unexpected.

"No," the one word passed through my lips without even thinking, because that was exactly what I thought the first time I laid my eyes on her tonight. I closed my eyes temporarily as if I was granting a wish to the heavens.

It can't be, this is so surreal. I must be dreaming again. I will wake up in my bed, with a side chick maybe, probably won't recall her name, but I will wake up and everything will be back to normal.

I opened my eyes again, half expecting myself to be in my room and under my bed sheet covers, but no, I'm still here, at Purgatory. At least it's not exactly hell now, is it?

"Michael, are you going to help me out or what?" Mark's voice interrupted my own personal thoughts as I snapped back to reality. Mark was already helping Ariana's body up, her head hanging slowly and it was clear to me that she has been knocked out from something.

"Did you find her like this?" I asked Mark, even though I shouldn't really care too much of her, I'm curious on how she ended up looking so wasted.

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