Chapter 20: You Ain't Nothing

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I can feel Peter's stare as I walked in the chatty classroom. If looks could kill, I would be dead by now, especially if it was Michael.

For the first time ever, I really hope that Michael misses this class, attending to some favour he may be involved in. I don't really care if he's been dealing with drugs or whatnot, I just don't want him here right now.

Unfortunately, my hopes were being thrown out of the window as Michael rushes in the classroom, a tad bit late if I should say.

This is not good, and I'm not liking this at all.

I can see Peter grinding his jaw with anger in his eyes, obviously trying to hide it to avoid giving out a negative impression on everyone.

"Michael, a little bit late there, but you didn't miss anything so far, take a seat," Mr. Glasby greeted Michael calmly as he gestured Michael an available desk for him to sit on, "also, welcome back from your mysterious disappearance," Mr. Glasby added playfully, resuming to his paperwork.

"Appreciated," Michael said under his breath as he took his seat. It's a good thing his desk was not too close with mine, but we're close enough to annoy Peter out of his mind. I am impressed at how he still managed to hold all those emotions in really well.

Mr. Glasby stepped out of his desk to stand in front of the class, "Okay class, for the last couple of lessons, we've been reading through and understanding the story of Romeo and Juliet. Now, can someone please tell me the summary of the story so far," only a small amount of people has put their hand up, in which it included mine. Mr. Glasby was looking around the room, deciding on a student who can give the best answer.

Mr. Glasby looked at my direction and gestured me to go ahead, "The story is about two star-crossed lovers who unfortunately were the son and daughter of the two families with a great hate with each other," I paused, thinking of anything else to say, "that is all sir."

"Well done Ariana, anyone else want to add on to that?" Peter's hand went up, "Peter," Peter cleared his throat, preparing himself before he speaks, "I had a little read through further down the storyline, sorry if I'm a bit ahead of you guys," Peter smirked with pride.

"That's fine Peter, say what you have to say," Mr. Glasby assured him, urging him to continue.

"Anyway, after that party scene we read from the script not too long ago," Peter sneaked a glare at me and Michael. Michael was shifting on his seat uncomfortably, "Romeo and Juliet were so in love, that they wanted to get married by daylight, crazy isn't it?"

The class didn't really respond to that, but Peter kept on telling us the story anyway, "After they got married, Romeo was foolish enough to confront to Tybalt, I mean, he clearly wants to die." I don't know where Peter was going with this, but this is not good at all, and I'm not liking it one bit.

"I mean, I don't understand, why he would risk his short life to someone who would kill him on the spot?"

"Because he loves her, and that's what you've been missing when you read the story," I looked over at Michael now facing Peter, in what seems like a tennis match, throwing opinions out to each other.

"And who are you to interrupt me, especially?" Peter said mockingly.

"I am Michael Jackson thank you very much, and I think Romeo's love for Juliet is what made the story unique and popular up to this day."

I smiled at Michael's comeback as Peter clapped his hands as if he was impressed at his response.

"Wow, was it love Michael? Or was it, what's the word? Lust?"

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