Chapter 9: Michael, Music and Me

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A/N: Alex is back at it again with the song puns (more like album puns 😉), enjoy this chapter!

I moved closer to where Michael was sitting as Mrs. Connelly continued to read out the people's names and their partners.

"Hey, I didn't know you like music." I said casually, once I met up with Michael at the other side of the room. Michael ignores this and continued to stare off to space. "I mean, based on what you said earlier to me when you were looking at that poster for the musical, I just assume you're not a musical person."

"I said, I don't do musicals, not music." Michael said with that get-your-facts-right kind of attitude. I put my hands up, surrendering myself as I sat quietly with Michael.

By the time Mrs. Connelly finished pairing the class up, she allowed us to disperse around the room, even the entire school, to search for any inspiration. Michael and I, however, stayed in the same position.

"So, do you want to walk around, look for inspiration?" I broke the ice between me and Michael as Michael finally faces towards me, "Do I look like I would go prancing around the school hallways like we're in some fairy tale cartoon musical, looking for inspiration?" I decided to drop the nice act I attempted to put on, "Michael, what the hell is wrong with you? First, you're all nice to me, then you became a complete jerk, like, what was that all about?"

"That is for me to know, and for you to find out," was all Michael could say. I was about to say something to that, when Michael shifted the conversation back to school work, "Anyway, about the song, I was thinking of something like a ballad, you seem like the type of person who can belt out really high notes."

Uh, okay?

For the first half of the double, I watched Michael work on writing the song. Unlike what Peter and I usually do when we write, Michael writes it all on paper, no sheet music, no chord progressions, he just writes everything down on his notebook. "Michael? You do know, we are getting marked on the composition techniques," I interrupted him, hoping that I haven't interrupted him too much to make him angry at me once again.

"That's where you come in Ms. Grande, I make the sound and its meaning, and you write and perform the song. We'll get an A in no time." Michael said the last part in a sarcastic manner that made me roll my eyes.

"Anyway, you seem like you're nearly finished with the lyrics, have you come up with a song title yet?" I asked, leaning forward on my desk to Michael. "I'll Be There," Michael responded under his breath, "it's going to be called I'll Be There." Michael finished his sentence, looking up to me as he spoke.

"That sounds nice, what is the song about?"

Michael stopped his writing and began explaining me the song lyrics, "It's about someone who's willing to be there for their lover, even if they don't love you back." Michael said, summing it up for me.

"I'm writing about unconditional love, like here," he pointed to a line of the song that was scribbled in his messy, yet readable writing, "where it says, 'I'll be there with a love that's strong, I'll be your strength, I'll keep holding on" that would really appeal to the song a whole lot, because it shows emotion, love, passion," Michael went on as he talked about his freshly written song with dedication, something that I rarely saw of Michael.

"Have you found the tune, the melody of this song?" I asked once Michael finished explaining to me the meaning behind the lyrics. "Not yet, but we're about to find out." Michael excitedly stood up from his seat to walk over the grand piano that's on the mini stage in the room. I swear, this guy is very bipolar.

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