"Saki! Are you taking over Naruto's role while he's away?" asked Shisui, casually stepping in front of me so as to block my view of Kagura. The short haired woman nodded at him, eyes quickly flicking towards me before facing her comrade once more.

"Yeah. I'll be here for a while."



I cried out, getting emotional at the sudden appearance of the young girl. The feelings of hope and empowerment I had held melted away at the sight of Kagura's vulnerability, and was a harsh reminder of our situations. Shisui grabbed my wrist and began to frogmarch me away from the two women, but I resisted and leaned all my weight away from him so that I could look at Kagura properly.

As I twisted my body to get a look at the young girl, her eyes widened as she saw my face, and she quickly backed away from me, covering her own. I faltered in my step, looking at her in curiosity.

"Kagura? It's me, Kohana!" I exclaimed, not knowing why the young girl looked so afraid of me.

Did my screaming scare her away?

"Shisui, control her," said the woman called Saki  sternly, turning the shaken looking girl by her shoulders and pushing her away. Shisui mumbled something undecipherable under his breath as he took my wrist again, with much more force. This time, I went with him, but not without giving him a piece of my mind.

"Shisui, she's fifteen!" I yelled angrily, continuously looking over my shoulder to see the young girl as she walked off under Saki's eye. "Fifteen! You guys have a lot of nerve to be submitting girls as young as that to this stupid project! Women my age I wouldn't give a damn about- but fifteen! Look at how scared she is!"

"Kohana, please," pleaded the Uchiha as we reached the office door, my arguments falling on deaf ears. I hissed at him and snatched my hand out of his grip, full of nothing but disgust and contempt.

"She's only fifteen! Fifteen, Shisui! How could you let something like that happen?! This is completely absurd!"

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay-"

"IT IS VERY WELL NOT OKAY!" I fumed as Shisui did the hand seals to unlock the door and stormed away from him as fast as I could, thoroughly revolted by the need to use a fifteen year old girl for a breeding programme.

"Kohana, I understand that you're mad, but what's done is done!" called out Shisui weakly as I made my way past the empty beds that lined either side of the room and bolted straight for Karin's office.


The door to Karin's office opened as soon as I had finished yelling, and the redhead stepped out with an eyebrow raised.

"Kohana, was it?" Shisui made his way to my side with a sigh, nodding his head at Karin. I glared at the doctor, wanting to lash out at her as well. I wanted to say, "Don't act as if you don't recognise me! I know you'd never forget the face of the mother of Sasuke's child!" but before I could even begin to mouth off at Karin, Shisui had clamped his hand over my mouth.

"She's sixteen now," he corrected me under his breath as I gave up and scowled into his palm. "Karin, shall we start now?"

The Uzumaki nodded curtly at us, beckoning for both of us to follow her into her office. Still seething at the discovery of Kagura's predicament, I pushed Shisui away and made my way into Karin's office and onto the bed on the far end, following routine and lying down flat on my back.

"How many months is Kagura?" I asked flatly, causing the doctor to raise an eyebrow at me as she waited for me to lift my shirt.

"Why do you ask?"

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