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~ Charlie ~
Charlie's POV

Y/N has been acting strange recently. She is rarely leaving the room and when she does she lies on the sofa. Today was the final straw. I walk in on her crying.

"What's wrong Y/N?" I ask, running up to her. I sit on the bed and she hugs me, crying into my chest. When she stops crying I repeat the question.

"I bought a new t-shirt recently and it doesn't fit." She whispers.

"That is a weird reason to there anything else wrong?" I ask. She slowly turns bright red before sighing slowly.

"I'm on my period." She mumbles.

"Oh." It was all I could say. She nods slowly. "Right, um, I'm going to get stuff for dinner do you want anything?" I ask and she shakes her head.


I get back home to see Y/N on the sofa sleeping.

"Hey sleeping beauty. Wake up, I got you something." I whisper. She doesn't wake up. I poke her lightly which causes her to flinch slightly. I continue to lightly poke her until she wakes.

"What?" She mumbles and stretches.

"I got you something." I smile before handing her a big bar of chocolate, you know, the 850 gram ones.

"Charlie, thank you." She smiles before wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me down for a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I also bought popcorn and a film to watch tonight." I smile.

"You are literally the best boyfriend ever Charlie! I love you." She smiles.

Bastille Imagines Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon