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~ Kyle ~

Kyle's PoV

I wake up to a loud crash and Y/N not beside me. There was then another loud crash and I sit up, my heart nearly jumping out my chest. I turn on the lamp and get up, rushing to see what's going on. I hear quiet sobs coming from the kitchen. I switch the light on and see Y/N surrounded by glass and blood.

"What happened?" I whisper.

"I was getting a drink and the glasses fell out the cupboard and hit my head. I then fell into the broken glass." She whispers.

"Give me a second." I mumble and go get my walking boots which are worn every couple of years. I head back to the kitchen and carefully step onto the glass, hoping it doesn't penetrate the sole. I lift up Y/N and take her into the front room. "You sit here and I'll clean up the glass." She nods her head and waits patiently, the odd whimper escaping her mouth. I carefully clean up the glass, managing to cut my finger slightly. It wasn't a bad cut thankfully. I dump the glass into the bin and grab the first aid kit we have in the house. I put a plaster on my finger quickly before heading through to Y/N. I felt the back of her head and there was luckily no swelling but I'll keep an eye on it. I take her hand and she winces. I carefully hold it.

"Don't tell me it's gonna sting." Y/N mumbles as I open my mouth while opening the antiseptic wipe. "It's going to fucking hurt like a bitch." She mumbles.

"It might not." I tell her.

"It will." She whispers. I take her hand again and begin to carefully wipe. Y/N tries to jerk her hand away, obviously in pain but I keep a firm grip. I take her other hand and do the same.

"Not too bad?" I ask.

"Painful." She replies. I sigh sadly and grab the bandages. I carefully wrap them around her hands and make sure they are secure.

"We'll go see the doctor tomorrow okay?" I smile and she nods sadly. "Are you okay? Do you want to stay up for a while?"

"No. I want to go back to bed." She whispers. I nod and leave the first aid out on the table. I lift up Y/N and take her back to bed. "Thank you Kyle." She murmurs as she snuggles into me.

"It's no problem." I whisper, hugging her tight into me.

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