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~ Will ~

Your PoV

Normally you would go to Will for advice. He is the all knowing bass guitarist. Seriously though, you believe he knows everything and gives the best advice. However, this week he was asking you for advice.

"Hey Y/N, can I ask you something, for a friend?" Will asks.

"Sure, what's up?" You smile.

"They were wondering how to ask out a girl they really really like." He replies. You watch his cheeks turn a slight pink colour. You slowly became certain that it wasn't a friend he was asking for, it was himself.

"Depends on the girl." You shrug. "If she likes movies take her to the movies to ask her out, take her to dinner or just ask her out the blue. It doesn't need to be special but never over text." Will nods slowly and pauses to think.

"So if I was to ask you out for example, how would you like me to do so?" Will asks turning even redder.

"Out of the blue." You reply. Will nods with a slight smile.

"Thank you, I'll let my friend know what you said." Will beams.


Will has been on and off tour all year. You do miss him a lot but you text so often, even if it means paying £100 phone bills. The day he was coming back you were ecstatic. You both were going to meet up in a nearby cafe for coffee and cake.

You always arrive at things extremely early, this time you had twenty minutes to spare. However, Will arrives early. As soon as you see him, you wave, smiling brightly. He waves back and makes his way to the table.

"Hey Will." You beam.

"Hi Y/N." He smiles back before sitting down. There's something off about him. A waitress comes up and takes our order and then heads back to the coffee machines.

"How was tour?" You ask.

"It was good fun. I kinda saw something for you that I think you would love." He mumbles getting out a slim box. He hands it over to you, his hands shaking slightly.

"Can I open it?" You ask hesitantly. He nods with a small smile. You open the box to see a necklace with a small heart. "It's beautiful Will thanks." You whisper.

"Y/N...I was wondering... would you maybe like to go out on a date?" Will asks. You feel a smile take over your face.

"I would love to." You grin.

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