
274 11 3

TW: abuse

~ Dan ~
Dan's PoV

Y/N ~ Dan? Come over please x

Dan ~ what's up?

Y/N ~ just come over

Dan ~ okay, on my way x

It's 3am. Sure, I shouldn't be awake but London at night gives me so much inspiration for random songs. They end up being shit and never see the light of day, let alone allowed out of my apartment. I grab my jacket, a pair of converse and my keys. Y/N is only a five minute drive away. She hasn't called me over at 3am in awhile, it must be bad. I feel myself trip over my shoe laces.


I get into the car and start the engine. I pull out onto the road and drive.


I lightly knock the door and Y/N answers within a couple of seconds.

"What the fuck happened to your face?" I whisper. She doesn't reply but pulls me into her house, slamming the door behind us. "Did... did he do that to you?" I ask and she slowly nods. I begins to shake my head and pull her into a hug. "I am so fucking sorry for what you have to put up with." I hear Y/N quietly sob and hug me tighter.

"Take me to your apartment Dan, please." She quietly whimpers.

"I will, don't worry." I mumble. She slowly let's go of me and runs upstairs. I slowly follow and watch as she starts throwing clothes into a suitcase. "You need help?" I ask quietly.

"It's fine." She mumbles and throws a pair of jeans in. She quickly closes the case and pulls it off the bed. She nearly falls over with the weight but keeps carrying it. 

"Hey, give it to me, I'll carry it." I smile. Y/N quietly sighs and hands it over. I haul it downstairs and into the boot of my car. Y/N gets in the passenger seat after closing and locking the door to her house. I get in the drivers side, start the car and drive. "Just wait till I get my hands on that arsehole." I growl, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"Dan, don't, it doesn't matter." Y/N mumbles.

"Yes it does! You've just walked out of that house covered in bruises and cuts, it does matter!" I shout.

"Dan!" Y/N shouts. "It doesn't matter." I quietly sigh and park the car.

"Do you know how much I care about you? I don't want you to get hurt." I whisper, slowly looking over in her direction. She's looking out the window, ignoring me. I frown slightly and get out the car. I grab Y/N's suitcase and unlock the apartment door. I wait for Y/N so I can lock my car, but she doesn't get out. I place the suitcase in my apartment before heading back out. I open her door and raise an eyebrow. "Come on, it's warm inside." Y/N smiles slightly and slowly gets out the car. I help her into my apartment and lock the door behind us. "Where do you want to sleep tonight?"

"Will you be there?" She mumbles.

"Uh, I can be..." I reply quietly. She nods quickly before wrapping her arms around me again. "Should we check for swelling or cuts?"

"Maybe." Y/N replies, slowly pulling away. I take her through to the bathroom and sit her down. I slowly kneel down and lightly feel for any bumps.

"Where else did he hurt you?" I whisper. Y/N shakes her head, flushing red.

"I can't show you." She awkwardly mumbles.

"Oh... will you be okay?" I ask and she nods. I smile and give her a light peck on her forehead. "You wanna head to bed?"

"Please." She replies.

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