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Cotton candy/candyfloss. Idk what terms people all use these days 😂

~ Charlie ~

Charlie always gets excited when a fair comes to the city. He always drags you along with you regardless of where it is located in the city.

You both met at a fair when you were teenagers hanging out with your friends. It was more of a dare than an ask him out on a date. Your friends had spotted the group of guys before you did and they told you to kiss the guy you found most attractive. So you kissed Charlie and fast forward ten years you are now engaged to this lunatic.

Charlie is currently dragging you around another fair, getting you to go on things with him and trying to have a laugh. At the end of hour two you had both been on everything at least twice and now you are fed up.

"Shall we go home?" Charlie asks you. You nod your head immediately in agreement. "I'm just going to get something really quickly, I'll be back." He lightly kisses your cheek and heads off into the crowd. He appears five minutes later with two candyfloss' on sticks.

"Charlie why did you get us candyfloss?" You ask as he hands you one of them.

"You can't just go to a fair and not get candyfloss Y/N." Charlie rolls his eyes at your question. He takes your free hand and leads you out the fair. "This candyfloss is really sweet."

"It's okay, I've had sweeter." You shrug, taking another bite from it. "You have some in your beard."

"Never mind." He chuckles. "I can wash it out tonight."

"You better Mr Barnes."

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