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BastilleStormer632 totally didn't get an idea from your comment 😶

~ Charlie ~

You were correct in thinking Charlie would wake up again at 3pm hungover like crazy.

"I want to die." You overhear him mumble.

"How do you think I'll feel if you die?" You ask him. He looks at you with his tired, bag ridden eyes and tries to glare, only to wince in pain. "Do you need me to get you food or something?" He shakes his head and slowly gets up, shuffling over to the sofa you are sitting on and collapsing beside you. He pulls you close and holds you tight.

"Just be my pillow until I feel okay." Charlie mumbles. "If I ever feel okay. At my age this hangover is going to last for at least a week."

"You're only 28, I don't think it'll last a week." You whisper as Charlie rests his head on your shoulder.

"It might." He fights back.

"Shut up or I'll grab my speakers and play death metal." You growl. Not like you listen to death metal but it'll definitely hurt Charlie's head even more.

"Please don't, I love you, anything but speakers." Charlie whines making you laugh.

"I love you Charlie." You whisper while stroking his hair. In the end Charlie can be sort of affectionate when hungover, not as much as drunk Charlie but enough to make you happy.

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