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~ Woody ~
Your PoV

"No you can't have that one!" Woody tells you as you point out another cat.

"Come on, look how fluffy she is." You whine. You look up at him with sad eyes.

"You know that doesn't work on me." Woody tells you causing you to pout instead.

"Please! Look how friendly she is! I'll take her to the groomers and everything if you let me adopt her." You continue to plead. Woody lets out a long sigh before agreeing.

A week later

You walk into you and Woody's bedroom, after a long day of work, to see him with the cat sleeping on top of him.

"Maybe she was an okay idea." Woody mumbles.

"Brilliant. Meet Freya, our new cat!" You beam before placing a fluffy grey cat on the bed.

"Y/N!" Woody growls.

"You love me and the cats. Don't deny it." You smile.

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