When You're Sick

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I relate to this picture on such a high level that I believe one day, I will be in the same position as Dan, drinking a bottle of bubbly with a straw 😂😂 (can confirm at age 21 I hate bubbly, love tequila tho and would try to drink it with a straw, only for it to go wrong).

I relate to this picture on such a high level that I believe one day, I will be in the same position as Dan, drinking a bottle of bubbly with a straw 😂😂 (can confirm at age 21 I hate bubbly, love tequila tho and would try to drink it with a stra...

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I used a word in this chapter that idk who all uses right, so it's the word 'keel over' and basically it means to pass out/die. I'm not too sure who all uses the word/that definition 😂

~ Woody ~

He tries to get as much time off as possible to be with you and to look after you. He doesn't like watching you suffer when you're sick but he doesn't want you to suffer yourself.

~ Kyle ~

Kyle will go to work but text you every couple of minutes and phone you during the breaks to see how you are. If you get worse from when he left you he comes straight back home and cuddles with you in bed.

~ Dan ~

Dan gets worried, overly worried. He took you to the doctors when you only had a common cold. He makes sure you've taken painkillers and antibiotics at the right times and keeps you warm. He likes to wrap both of you up in blankets and sleep with you on the couch because you fall asleep basically anywhere when you are sick.

~ Will ~

Depending on what's wrong Will normally keeps you in bed. He doesn't get extremely worried but worried enough to take a couple of days off work when you're at your worst. He does cook for you and leaves meals for you to put into the microwave if he's not around.

~ Charlie ~

Charlie keeps you close to him when you're sick. He likes to keep an eye on you just in case you keel over. He spoils you when you're sick though. Every night is a film night with hot chocolate or a hot drink of some description and often a box of tissues. Tissues being used for Charlie crying and you blowing your nose.

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