How You Fell In Love With Each Other

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~ Dan ~

You ~ What made you fall in love with Dan was his small quirks. Like getting excited about a film or a book. Seeing him basically fangirl when he meets people who he looks up to. When he sings high notes he raises himself up on his tip toes slightly as if it helps him hit the notes. His dancing on stage, as much as it is awful you love it.

Him ~ What made him fall in love with you was how you are so positive and upbeat about everything regardless of the situation. It took him a while to figure out that's how he fell in love with you but he got there eventually after he crashed the car. He also fell in love with you because of how you're always there, even if you aren't there physically. You are always checking up on him, making sure he's having a good time and making sure his anxiety before performing isn't getting the worst of him.

~ Kyle ~
You ~ His childlike attitude. Sure it gets annoying sometimes but it brightens up your day. He always cheers you up, especially if you've had a bad day at work or just not in a good mood. He always tries to make boring situations fun and interesting. Like flat pack yoga. Or somehow making a game out of cleaning.

Him ~ He fell in love with you because even though you can be moody sometimes, you are a fun person to be around. You showed him a better world which he had never seen before, a much more positive world with more colours than just black and white.

~ Will ~

You ~ You fell in love with Will because you both got along so well as soon as you met him. It was kind of a love at first sight thing? You love how friendly he is and how much he cares for you. He's probably been the best thing that's ever happened in your life.

Him ~ He fell in love with you before he even talked to you. Just seeing you laughing and smiling with friends made him love you. That love is much stronger when he sees you laugh and smile at his jokes or whenever he talks about anything. He loves how you will listen to stuff that he knows you find boring yet you still listen regardless.

~ Woody ~

You ~ You fell in love with him over how much of a gentleman he is. You don't really find many guys these days that are like Woody. You also love him for how focused he becomes when practicing drums or trying to figure out something.

Him ~ He fell in love with your ability to go through basically anything and still come out of it positive and strong. He loves that literally nothing can bring you down and if something does then he's always there to comfort you.

~ Charlie ~

You ~ You fell in love with his charm. Charlie can charm the ladies when he wants to but when he met you he never gave up and kept trying with you. Another aspect you love about him is he never gives up until he achieves something.

Him ~ He fell in love with how stubborn you can be sometimes. He finds it funny but also adorable. You didn't accept his offer to take you out to dinner about four times and when you did everything went extremely well. He also loves that you are willing to try out new things that he enjoys or new things that neither of you have done before.

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