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~ Dan ~

"Hey Dan, guess what?" You beam. Dan laughs, placing down his pen, closing over his book.

"You've bought a pet?" He suggests.

"Nope." You laugh.

"I don't know then, what's up?" He asks, smiling.

"You're gonna be a dad." You state.

"Me? A dad? Kids?" He finally chokes out. "Seriously?!" He shouts, covering his mouth, tears beginning to escape his eyes.

"Yup." You laugh. He gets up and hugs you tightly, softly crying with joy.


The cravings kicked in randomly from time to time, even at the most awkward of times.

"You awake?" You quietly whisper, lightly poking Dan's back.

"What's wrong?" He quietly mumbles.

"I want pizza." You tell him. A quiet sigh comes from Dan, as he picks up his phone to check the time.

"It's nearly 2am."




"You look gorgeous." Dan mumbles as you view yourself in the mirror. Dan's hands lightly rest on your bump as he kisses your cheek.

"Are you sure?" You ask and he nods.

"Absolutely stunning as usual." Dan whispers. You slowly turn around and stare at him in his suite, his tie crooked. You reach up to fix it as he looks down at you.

"And you look perfect." You whisper.


"What do you mean there's another one?!" You shout out in pain. Giving birth to one is enough, but two?!

"Just push!" The doctor shouts. Everything goes into a frenzy before darkness.


You wake up with Dan in bed beside you, hugging you closely. You lightly hit the top of his head, waking him up.

"Get off, I'm in pain." You quietly mumble which makes him chuckle.

"You've always been so subtle." Dan states sarcastically, getting out of the bed. "Two girls."

"Two girls?" You smile and he nods.

"I have pictures, they won't let you see them until you're stable, you lost a lot of blood." Dan explains, taking his phone out and showing you the pictures he got.

"They are beautiful." You smile.

"Just like you. You did so well, love, I'm so proud of you."

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