"He's A What?!"

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Oooooo I love me an AU 😂

~ Dan ~

Little did they know the singer so many people look up to us different. He's different to all of us 'normal' people. For he is not human. For once it's a secret he can keep to himself and his band mates. It's the reason he's so pale, paler than your average Brit.

Dan Smith is a vampire.

Not like your typical vampire who will burn if they go outside in daylight, can't eat garlic, suck the blood of anyone in sight. He's actually special. Vampire human hybrid. Dad was vampire, mum was human. Human genes are meant to overpower vampire genes, but something happened.

He doesn't have large fangs as such, still noticeably different than human teeth. Despite being awkward, he has a way with people that gets him anything and anywhere.

Dan Smith is dangerous with what he can do.

Dan's PoV

"Have you ever thought of getting a girl into your life?" Kyle asks me. I stare at him for a couple of seconds before shaking my head.

"Why would a human date a vampire?" I sneer.

"Chicks are into a lot of different things these days. Some can be quite into biting, which you'll be good at." Kyle winks. I roll my eyes and return to the comfort of my phone. Little do they know I have been chatting to some girl recently. She wants to meet up... She's absolutely gorgeous. She's living in London currently, about a ten minute walk from the studio.

"I'm going out for a few minutes, don't get too excited when I bring her back." I state. I watch as all the guys stare at me, shocked and confused. "I've been chatting to some girl, big deal."

"Does she know?" Will asks, I shake my head. I grab my hoodie and head out. I must've been late as I was meant to meet her half way between her house and the studio.

"I thought I'd just walk all the way, saves you getting wet." She smiles, putting down her umbrella. "It's nice to finally meet you Dan!"

"It's nice to finally meet you too Y/N." I beam, giving her a quick hug. "I apologise in advance... the guys are here as well."

"That's fine, I mean they sound nice from what you've said." She shrugs as I let her into the warmth of the studio. Kyle is the first to spot her, immediately greeting her and telling her many embarrassing things about me. Arsehole.

"Can I get you something to drink?" I ask quietly.

"Um... I think a tea would be nice, just a little bit of milk." Y/N smiles. I nod and go make one for her. The studio is equipped with a kitchen, which we don't tend to use, but it's good having anyway. I slowly walk back through with her tea. "He's a what?!" Y/N shrieks suddenly, causing me to nearly drop the cup. I rush through only to get stared at by everyone in the room.

"It slipped out." Kyle yelps, when Woody slaps his arm.

"Y/N... can we talk?" I ask slowly. She nods and cautiously gets up, keeping her distances. I take her into one of the recording rooms and sit her down. "What did they say?"

"You're... you're a vampire? But they must be joking right." She smiles nervously. I slowly shake my head.

"Come see, I won't bite." I state. She slowly walks over and I open my mouth, showing her my fangs.

"Are they real?" She mumbles. I close my mouth and nod, before opening it again and pulling on them, making sure they are real. "So wait, you want to suck my blood?"

"No?" I reply, which obviously confuses her even more. "I'm a one of a kind hybrid. More human than vampire. I act like a normal person but with large teeth, I rarely bite."

"But... how?" She asks.

"Mum had a one night stand." I shrug. "She met the father again after giving birth and he had to explain the same thing except he is pure blood. He wanted to raise me properly but mum wouldn't allow him."

"So, if you don't bite often, when do you bite?" Y/N asks slowly.

"My teeth aren't sharp enough to properly penetrate the skin, but if someone's into it... I'll bite them." I awkwardly mumble. I look up, Y/N's face red with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, if you don't want to continue seeing each other then I understand."

"No no, I do want to continue seeing you." She smiles.

"Really?" I ask and she nods.

"I like you as a person, I like your personality, I don't think the fact that you're a vampire puts me off that much. The teeth scare me a bit but I can get used to them." Y/N shrugs.

"Thank you, I promise you won't regret it." I smile.

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