First Time

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This chapter DOES NOT contain smut. (can confirm i was a very naive child when I wrote this).

Awkward could be one way to describe it. Sure, you both had been going out for nearly five months and were pretty comfortable around each other before taking things up a notch slightly made it a tiny bit uncomfortable. Dan had to ask you multiple times if you wanted to do it, how you wanted to do it, where you wanted to do it and when you wanted do it. And then when it came to the actual act, you were both so embarrassed, Dan's face being bright red constantly, your face too. It wasn't the best you've had with him, but needless to say, Dan got more confident and it got better over time.

So, you and Kyle have been best friends, stuck at the hip since nursery. You've basically done everything together, from learning how to ride a bike, to ice skating, to being each other's first kiss (extremely long story), to getting drunk for the first time and smoking for the first time which did not agree with your system. You never did that again. As you can see, you did a lot of things together for the first time. You both ended up getting drunk one night and had sex. You don't remember the majority of it, and nor does Kyle. First time sober was about five years later when you eventually started dating.

It was a dare. Spin the bottle dare. You were both fairly tipsy but remember every single detail of it. Before this happened you were good friends, not the best, but not enemies. You'd both often flirt with each other but this was the thing that pushed both of you over the edge to become a thing.

Heat of the moment you could say. Woody was acting slightly more fidgety than usual. You noticed it especially when you were out at dinner, feeling his feet lightly tap against yours. On the ride back he was being more fidgety. And then, it just happened. Both of you are still not too sure how it happened in the end, no discussing was involved and no preparing was involved. You just went for it.

Neither of you were virgins, both had previous lovers, in and out of relationships until finding each other. One night you both just kind of decided that maybe it was time to take the relationship up a notch, go to the next page. It was slightly awkward, even though you've seen each other in underwear before, but there was something that made it slightly awkward.

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