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~ Kyle ~

You listen as Kyle sneezes for the fifteenth time within the past half hour

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You listen as Kyle sneezes for the fifteenth time within the past half hour.

"Y/N! I don't know what's wrong with me!" You hear Kyle whine. You get up slowly and head to the music room where Kyle and the cat is currently located. Your cat, Casper, is a Siberian cat, meaning he's very fluffy and sometimes prone to leaving his hair around the house. He's currently sitting on the top of Kyle's piano, watching as he suffers another sneeze. Kyle turns to you with red, watering eyes.

"Are you okay?" You ask.

"Do I look okay?" Kyle replies. He sounds a bit like he has the cold but he was completely fine this morning. "It only started when Casper came in to see me."

"Maybe your allergic to him?" You suggest which makes Kyle immediately shake his head, eyes wide.

"I can't be allergic to him! I've been fine with him for the past three years until now." Kyle argues back. You sigh and pick up Casper, much to his dislike as he loves spending time with Kyle, and take him to the bedroom.

"You sleep in here for awhile." You mumble as you place him down on the bed. You listen as Kyle goes back to playing piano, the odd sneeze emitting from the room.


After a couple of hours, Kyle returns and sits down, frowning.

"I'm allergic to cats." He whispers. "What are we going to do with Casper?" Kyle whines.

"We're going to keep him obviously. We'll just load you up with antihistamines." You smile which makes Kyle frown even more. Casper suddenly jumps onto Kyle and makes himself comfortable on his lap.

"Casper, daddy can't have you on his lap." Kyle whines but doesn't move the now sleeping cat. He looks over to you helplessly.

"I'll go to the chemists." You sigh.

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