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Your PoV

Every year you celebrate Dan's birthday the same way. Sleep in, give him presents, go out for dinner. This year you want it to be different and special.

Yet you had no clue how to make it different or special.

You phoned up all the boys to try get help but they weren't too sure either. Then it hit you. Dan is a slight adrenaline junkie, or, from the stories of all the crazy things he has done, he is a slight adrenaline junkie. You knew there was a fair coming near where you live but then, it might be too childish. You could take him to Alton Towers or Thorpe Park but you don't like rollercoasters or stuff like that. Why is it so fucking difficult to plan a birthday day out?!

You could get Dan arrested... a fake arrest. Rent out a large warehouse type thing, maybe not too big. Get the police to tie Dan to a chair with a bag over his head and then surprise him.

"Fuck I'm good." You whisper.

"What was that Y/N?" Dan asks.

"Nothing." You smile back and begin to text the guys asking if it was a good idea. The guys thought it was funny but they all said no. You sigh, you became frustrated. "Dan. What do you want to do for your birthday?"

"Nothing but lie in bed with you all day." He smiles. You sigh again at his response. You'll take him out to dinner at that one restaurant he likes. "Don't be planning something for my birthday Y/N, you know I love just being with you for the day. I'm an old man now." He chuckles. "I don't want to do anything exciting."

"Dan you're literally turning 31 how is that being an old man?" You ask.

"Well, I'm not 26 like you Y/N so I'm old." Dan shrugs. "I remember being 26, you were 21." You roll your eyes and stare at him hoping that he'll say he wants to do something different. "Seriously Y/N, don't bother, just having you is a pleasure."

"Fine." You mumble.


When Dan's birthday did arrive, the only thing you had planned was a nice dinner at home.

Dan wakes you up in the morning with a large grin plastered to his face.

"Can I wear my birthday suite today?" Dan whispers. You remember when Dan turned 28 you allowed him walk around naked, or as everyone calls it a birthday suite, for the day.

"I don't want to see your old man parts." You mumble back causing him to laugh. "Happy birthday Daniel." You smile and peck his lips.

"Get up. I'm bored." He smiles. "Are you gonna walk about in your birthday suite for me though?"

"No." You state. "None of that is happening until tonight." Dan frowns but pulls you up to get out of bed.

"Come on Y/N!" Dan whines. You get up out of bed and take him downstairs. He's such a child.

At the end of the day, doing nothing at all was a bit more successful that doing something. Dan always appreciates doing nothing anyway. After lunch he was walking about in his birthday suite, much to your dislike but you both found it funny anyway.

"Thank you for such a good day." Dan breathlessly mumbles against your neck. "As usual the sex and the food was good." He chuckles. You roll your eyes but hug into him.

"I love you Danny." You whisper. "I'm glad you had a good day."

"I love you too." He whispers.

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