Never Ever Forget Me Daniel

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This was a request/idea from Ayee_0211
Hope you like it 😄

~ Dan ~

Dan's PoV
~ University ~

Everything about her is just amazing. She is talented, beautiful and perfect. But we are just good friends. Nothing more nothing less. I can't even tell her I like her. Why do I have to be so fucking awkward. Why does she have to give me mixed signals. Why is she so perfect...

"Hey Y/N!" I smile as she runs towards me.

"Hi Dan!" She grins and hugs me tightly. "Excited for a day and night of coffee, studying and more coffee?"

"Don't you mean cramming?" I ask with a smirk.

"Same thing." She shrugs. Neither of us have really been studying for the end of term exams. So, we do what all people who haven't studied do the night before the exam, cramming. I was pulled away from my thoughts as Y/N grabbed my hand and began to pull me to her apartment. I swiftly followed, eventually catching up with her. We often walked about hand in hand, it still gives me butterflies every time no matter how often we do it.


It is nearly 1am. We have been cramming for the past five hours. I still don't understand any of it.

"Can we just call it a night?" I groan.

"But Danny..." Y/N whines back. I smile as soon as she called me Danny. I wouldn't even care if she called me Daniel, as much as I hate it.

"You can continue to cram all you want, I'm going to bed." I tell her before getting up and heading to the now guest bedroom. Y/N did have a roommate but she left the university ages ago. She just disappeared one day. I immediately collapse onto the bed and fall asleep.

About a year later

Graduation. The last time I see Y/N for months. She is staying in America for a few years, possibly permanently moving out there. After the ceremony ends she walks up to me. I can see small tears roll down her cheeks.

"Hey, don't cry Y/N." I whisper and hug her tightly.

"I'm going to miss you so much Dan." She whispers and hugs me just as tight.

"I'm gonna miss you too Y/N." I whisper. She looks up at me with a small sad smile before we let go of each other.

"Never ever forget me Daniel." She whispers, lightly kissing my cheek before leaving me standing. My mum and dad come up to congratulate me and take me away. I turn my head to see Y/N getting into a car with her mum before it drove off, the direction of the airport.
I will never forget Y/N no matter what.

Approximately 7 years later

While touring I often bring something to clear out and tidy when I'm bored. This time it's an old box with a bunch of photographs and articles. Kyle sitting beside me, texting his girlfriend. Woody is talking with the driver, Will is elsewhere on the bus and Charlie is sleeping. I guess now is the time to clear out this box. I lift the lid off and dumped the contents on the sofa beside me.

"What have you got there Daniel?" Kyle asks. I cringe when he says my full name.

"Old photographs and news articles by the looks of things." I reply. As the hours pass I eventually clear out all the useless crap until I find a photo from my university days. There is a picture of me and this girl... What's her name again?

"Who's she?" Kyle smirks, looking over my shoulder.

"I uh can't remember..." I mumble. I feel sad for some reason... How can I not remember who she is? We obviously look extremely happy in the photo so we must have been extremely close. Ex-girlfriend? Nah... I never dated during university. Kyle begins to recite the alphabet, hoping to provoke my mind into remembering something. I turn the photo over and there was not even anything written on the back. I grab my phone and call my mum. She remembers everything.

"Hi Dan, how's tour? How's America?" She asks.

"Hi mum. Tour is great, America is just as great as I remember. I have a question however. Who is the girl in my photo from graduation?" I ask.

"Oh Y/N! Why?" She replies.

"I just found a graduation photo." I shrug. The conversation continues and everything begins to come back. She lives in Orlando, Florida. We're going there in three days. I wrote a song about her! I end the call after a while and immediately head to Facebook. I type in Y/N Y/L/N into the search bar. Second search result. I recognise her immediately. She's just as beautiful as I remember... I click on her name and scroll down, only stopping to see a picture of our tickets for the concert.

She's coming just to watch me...

Y/N's PoV

I have been standing in this arena, at the very front, for the last half an hour. Just waiting to get a glimpse of the man I used to call my best friend. We lost contact a year after we left university. He was so busy with his touring that we never got to talk as often as before. But here I am now, waiting anxiously. The rest of the band start walking out on stage, cheers erupt from the crowd and then Dan walks out. They begin to start playing, people are me are dancing and having a great time. I'm just standing here in awe watching Dan jump around the stage with a new found confidence he never had.

Dan's PoV

I see her

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I see her. She's staring right up at me and I stare right back at her. I smile and giver her a wave. She waves back but then so does everyone behind her.

"Hello Y/N, long time no see?" I smirk. She nods her head, smiling just as brightly as she always did. "The next song is called Flaws!" I shout into the mic. As soon as the song starts I jump down make my way through the crowd. I immediately find Y/N and hug her tightly.

"I missed you so much Daniel!" She shouts causing me to laugh.

"I've missed you too." I whisper back. I let go of her and give her a sympathetic look before continuing. My heart is pounding. Not from the adrenaline of performing but from seeing Y/N.

After The Concert

As soon as I finish the last song, I immediately jump down, grab Y/N and pull her backstage.

"That was so fucking awesome Dan!" She squeals before hugging me tightly.

"I don't want to let go of you. I missed you so much." I mumble. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you ever since university." I pull away from her. She looks up at me confused. "Yeah so, in uni I had a huge crush on you and I wanted to be more than friends, but I never had the confidence to tell you..." I whisper, waiting for her reaction.

"You've always been so awkward telling people your true feelings." She laughs before hugging me. "It's okay Dan, I liked you too." She whispers. I feel myself smile like an idiot. I try to stop myself but I can't. She looks up at me slowly and smiles. "You want to have a catch up soon? I'm moving back to England in two months."

"I would love a catch up with you. Especially when you're back home. You aren't busy tonight? I have a few hours to kill before we leave Orlando." I smile.

"Yeah! Lets go do something!"

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