The Currents

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This was apparently part of a book that I was writing back in 2017 😅!


Beth's PoV

There's alcohol everywhere, everyone is smoking weed, snorting cocaine and having sex in the different rooms. It is the week before university ends, some guy invited a lot of us to some house party to celebrate. On a scale of one to completely black out drunk, I'm currently tipsy. Maybe a bit high too. I feel someone tugging at my arm which makes me immediately turn around and glare at the person.

"Beth my man!" Zain shouts. Oh god.

"I am not your man." I grit out but obviously he doesn't hear me. "What do you want?"

"It's not me that wants you, it's this guy I know." Zain smirks and begins dragging me outside. He leaves me in front of some douchey looking guy, who is probably a creep.

"Matt." The man smiles, holding out his hand. I give him a small smile back, ignoring his hand. "So, how would you like to get to know me better?"

"I wouldn't." I mumble. Obviously this went straight through his thick skull and he quickly approaches me. He pushes me to the ground and tries to unzip my jeans. "Help!" I shout but he covers his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up slag." He growls, forcefully trying to pull down my jeans. However, the world slows down as I watch someone kick Matt in the face. I watch as the random guy begins to beat him up, leaving him unconscious on the ground.

"Hey, you alright? Do you want me to walk you home?" The man asks, offering his hand to help me stand up. I take his hand and he pulls me up. I fasten my jeans again and pull down my jumper. "I'm Charlie."

"Bethany or Beth, whatever suites you." I mumble back. Charlie chuckles, making me give him a questioning glare.

"You remind me of a friend I had in high school. Come on, I'll walk you home." Charlie smiles, offering his hand out to me.

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