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Pls do not mistake vertigo as the fear of heights, acrophobia is the fear of heights. This is a one shot that is coming from my experience of vertigo that wasn't actually vertigo but is similar to vertigo. What I have is a variant of a migraine which comes in clusters and makes me really dizzy. (You guys can read about it at the end of the chapter if you want 😂)

~ Charlie ~

You wake up to Charlie who is swaying and crashing into things.

"Are you drunk?" You mumble, watching as he finally collapses onto the floor.

"No, it's 8am, why would I be drunk?" Charlie replies. You sigh and slowly get out of bed. You stand beside him and look down. "I'm really fucking dizzy."

"Oh, shall I just leave you for a minute or shall I help you up?" You ask quietly.

"Give me a minute, it's probably just cause I'm tired." Charlie replies. You nod and leave him, making both you and Charlie a cup of coffee. You hear Charlie slowly make his way downstairs, stumbling the rest of the way down after a loud thump. "Y/N I think I need to go to the doctors." You turn around to see Charlie holding onto a chair for dear life.

"Right, sit yourself on the floor and I'll get the laptop." Of all days Charlie had to get ill was a Sunday, the day the doctors are closed. You get the laptop and join Charlie on the floor. You search up his symptoms and wait.

"Vertigo? Isn't that a fear of heights?" Charlie asks looking at the laptop screen.

"No, it's an inner ear infection I believe." You mumble as you click the NHS website. "Another possibility is labyrinthitis which is also another inner ear infection I think. But you're not throwing up?" Charlie shakes his head.

"I think we should go to a doctor tomorrow, he's going to be more reliable than google. Next thing you'll know I'll have five minutes to live." Charlie frowns.

"You aren't going anywhere without me until this is sorted." You state, making Charlie frown. He slowly lies back down onto the floor and stares up at the ceiling. "I'll make you breakfast."


"Yup, its vertigo." The doctor states. He made Charlie do some experiments which caused him to fall over due to the world 'spinning' as he put it. "You should be fine in a week, if not come back and we'll possibly send you up to see an ear, nose and throat specialist."

"Thank you." Charlie smiles. You stand up and help Charlie as you leave the doctors office. "Let's hope this disappears within a week, I don't want to go to the hospital."

"I think you'll be fine."

STORY TIME 😂 you guys don't have to read this part btw
So basically my inspiration for this was obviously my problem with the whole dizziness which has actually started up again (yay 🙁). So I actually woke up one morning at 5am dizzy af and I thought 'oh it's just cause I'm tired' so I went back to sleep. Woke up at 7am for school and I couldn't leave my bed as I was unable to walk/stay balanced. Went to the doctors, they told me I'd be fine, went to the hospital, they didn't know what was wrong, MRI scan, results came back the day after my birthday and they came back negative so yeah... it's very traumatic going through this kind of stuff, I could've had a brain tumour for all we know (which was why the MRI was carried out). Technically we still don't know why I get dizzy which is kinda shit. I'm on beta blockers which helped I guess but now everything's gone downhill again 🙃

So I wrote this in 2017 when all this bs was somewhat still going around and I can tell you that 4 years later I am doing well with no more migraines. Still on my meds but I get off them soon! ☺️

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