One Sided

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~ Kyle ~
Kyle's PoV

She's in love with him. He's in love with her and I'm stuck in a never ending cycle of falling in love and heartbreak with the same person.

"I'm proposing to her tonight." Dan smiles, showing the ring he bought. My heart has been broken too many times, but yet it breaks again. And it hurts.

"Really?" I ask, trying to fake the smile. Dan nods excitedly.

"You think she'll say yes?" Dan asks me, putting the ring box away into his suite pocket.

"I think she will." I reply. Dan immediately smiles and gives me a tight hug.

"Thanks mate." Dan beams and disappears to find someone else, probably Woody, he's been through this before. I collapse on the sofa and stare up at the ceiling. A few minutes later a face appears above mine.

"Hey Kyle, have you seen Dan anywhere?" Y/N asks with a smile.

"No, sorry." I reply, don't want to ruin the surprise I guess... She frowns for a second but goes back to her usual cheery self.

"What's up with you? You look a bit down." Y/N states.

"Oh it's nothing, just tired I guess." I reply. I slowly sit up and take in Y/N. "You look really nice."

"Thanks, Dan's taking me to some fancy restaurant in town." Y/N replies.

"Oh, I hope you have fun." I smile. We hear a door open and there's Dan.

"You ready?" Dan asks. Y/N nods with a smile. Dan swiftly walks over, takes Y/N's hand and leaves with her. I feel my stomach drop slightly knowing I definitely don't have a chance with her anymore.

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