"Hello, Orochimaru-sama," he said respectfully. "How was your trip to Otogakure?"

"Good," said the experienced nin casually, before lifting his cup to his lips and taking a sip. "Ahh, feels good. What brings you here?"

Shisui put an arm behind me and nudged me forward, looking intently at Orochimaru.

"I need you to run some tests on Kohana here," he said gravely. Orochimaru raised an eyebrow in surprise, and I felt myself begin to shrink away as his eyes began to scrutinize every inch of my being.

"Is she a trainee?" he asked, noting my black attire. Shisui scratched the back of his head.


"Temporarily," said Shisui before I could say anything else. "For the most part, she's a mother. I'm just trying to prove to the clan that she is so much more useful as a kunoichi."

Orochimaru smiled, and it unsettled me.

"Really now," he said in a long, drawn out drawl, eyes piercing me even further. "I was just about to say, you look too old to be a trainee."

"Anyway," said Shisui loudly, cutting off the doctor's remark. "I tried running a simple chakra nature affiliation test on her, and the paper just went haywire."

"Haywire? How so?" Orochimaru turned and beckoned for Shisui and I to follow him to his office, located a little further down the hospital wing. When we got there, he immediately went and sat behind his desk, beckoning for us to join him at the seats across from him. I did so, followed by Shisui, and he pulled out the little red box once more.

"Like this. Kohana, grab a paper." Wordlessly, I followed the Uchiha's instruction, and took a sheet of chakra paper from it. We waited for a couple of seconds. Then it exploded.

Seeing the chakra paper explode had become a common sight for me; however, the look of astoundment on Orochimaru's face told me that it was anything but common.

"Do it again," he ordered, waving at me to quickly take another sheet. Getting slightly bored by exploding paper, I picked up another sheet and was faced with the same result. Except this time, the explosion was bigger and louder.

"One more time," said Shisui. I did so, and the paper did what it had when I first took the test. It completely saturated itself, before bursting into flames again. "Keep doing it."

Now absolutely sick and tired of having to hold pieces of paper for other people to watch, my face was expressionless as the paper split into two before burning up in an electrocuting fire.

"It changes every time," explained Shisui to the inquisitive looking doctor as I continued to take papers from the box and watch them choose their own demise. "Do you know anything about this?"

"What happened to the paper the absolute first time she touched it?" asked the man, narrowing his eyes at the remnants of my chakra paper as I sighed and gave up.

"The paper was wet, then burst into flames. The next time I tried it here, nothing happened for a couple of attempts. And then it started going haywire."

"Hmm..." Orochimaru rubbed his chin in deep thought as he inspected the chakra papers with a small leer. "Interesting. This is very interesting."

"Do you have anything? Anything at all?"

Orochimaru lay down his mug of tea on the desk and turned to me, fully concentrated on me.

"What is your name?"

"Kohana Yoruno, sir." He frowned, clucking his tongue.

"Yoruno... now that's a family I haven't heard of," he said in a wizened voice.

𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐑𝐄 | sasuke uchihaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora