Error of his ways?

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April 7th

It's been about four days since the whole incident with Chris. He's actually been leaving me alone. If I come in the kitchen while he's in there, he'll get wants and quickly leave. And lately that has applied to any room of the house. He doesn't speak to me, or even look at me and wink when he was about to say something to piss me off.

I just got out of the shower, and now I'm sitting on the bed with a towel on. I reached over to my night stand and began rubbing lotion into my skin. My stomach is starting to protrude more . But if you didn't know my situation you'd think I've just been eating good. My stomach is a little pouch now. My breasts are swollen, so I pretty much don't wear bras anymore. I quickly got dressed and brushed my hair up into a bun, because I was starving.

I went downstairs and rummaged through the fridge. My stomach growled more as I didn't find anything good to eat.

Chris is a whole millionaire, where the hell is his food?

I slammed the fridge closed in frustration. I drank me a small glass of juice, and I went up to Chris's room to find some car keys.

When I went into his room, he appeared to sound asleep.


I tip toed near his bed, and rummaged through his night stand. He was laying on his back. So every few seconds I would look over at his face. My heart was beating out of chest. I felt like a little kid sneaking in the kitchen at 3am for some cookies. After I found some keys to a vehicle that I could actually drive, I closed the drawer. As I was about to put the keys in my pocket, I looked over at Chris's and he was watching me. I let out an uncontrollable shriek and ran out of his room. I quickly unlocked the car and pulled out of the drive way.


I came back in the house stuffing my face. I locked the door, and I froze when I saw the living room full of Chris's friends. Everyone in the room turned their heads to look back at me.

Damn it Nicole wipe your face. I probably look a hot ass mess.

The room was really quiet, and I hurried up past them. They'd probably been talking about me. I felt some tears starting to form.

Is Chris really that sick of me, that he had to bring his friends here to talk about me?

"Nicole?" I heard someone say.

When I got closer, one of his friends waved their hands. When I got in front of mijo he stood to his full height and he encased me in the big bear hug.

"Why are crying for girl?"

He quickly wiped my tears, and that's when I saw Chris get up and quickly leave.

"Oh yeah I forgot you're pregnant. How many months are you?"

"Almost 4 and a half."

"Oh, so how's that going by the way?


"Yeah I meant to ask what's up with you and Chris?" Red said

"What chu mean?" I tried to play it off

"You know what I mean. Aren't his girlfriend slash baby moms-"

Chris walked backed in the room. This time he sat in the chair far away from me and his friends. The was really silent. I looked at Chris and he was looking at me, but when I looked back at him he quickly looked away.

"Umm... I'll see y'all later."

I quickly grabbed my bag of food, and I went into the kitchen. I reheated my food, and sat at the table. I quickly became bored so face timed my mom.

"Mama!" I smiled when she answered the phone.

"Nicole." She rolled her eyes.

"Mama don't you sit here and act like you don't love me." I stuck my tongue out.

"I guess you're right. How has it been at Chris's house?"


"Little girl don't you lie to me. His mama calls me all the time. So do you want to come live with me?"

"Is that obvious?" I laughed

"Yeah pretty much. We've haven't talked since I dropped you off at his house. I figured you we're pissed at me and needed your space."

"I'm over that, so I'm going to be looking up a flights pretty soon. I want to be out of here in the next few days."

"Okay well just let them know that you're leaving."

"I was thinking about leaving in the middle of the night."

"Nicole now you know that's not right. You owe it to Ms. Hawkins to tell that you're gone. And wave your hand at Chris on your way out."

"More like throw up the middle finger." I grinned

She laughed,"Aww come on now, he loves you."

"Goodbye mama."

"No seriously he's a complete asshole, but he still loves you. He wouldn't go through all that to make you mad if he didn't."

"I gotta go mom, I need to use the bathroom."

On my way out of the kitchen, I bumped into Chris. He stared at me for several minutes, and began scratching the back of his neck. Then he slid slid something in my hand. After that he looked away and quickly left the kitchen.

Hope this update was worth it. 😬

What do y'all think Chris handed her?

Do you think he heard the whole conversation?

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