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He sat even closer to me. Then he wrapped his arm around me. My heart began racing, and my breathing became uneasy. I was even starting to sweat. I felt nausea starting in the pits if my stomach. I no longer had appetite. I quickly forced his arm off of me. Then I proceeded to give him the meanest mug, I could muster.

"I know he's on tour. Isn't the first half of his shows on the east coast?" He smirked

"What do you want Jacob? You won the trial, what more do you want from me?"

"Oh thanks for reminding me. I bet you're probably wonder how I did it,"He laughed, "It was really simple to be honest."

"No not really, I'm good."

"Well you're gonna hear it anyway. I've been itching to tell you."

"What is wrong with you? Like seriously."

"Okay so majority of the jury was female, which worked to my advantage. The men I simply paid off. Some of the females I fucked. This one woman was a squirter....but anyways the ones that wouldn't have sex with me I paid."

"You're disgusting."

"Oh the really funny part is, most of them let me fuck without a condom too. Despite hearing my medical diagnosis. All I did was simply deny it, and they believed me."

The nausea finally decided to come up. My stomach jerked, and up came the all the food I ate. It was wave after wave of puke, that I managed to projectile vomit on Jacob's shoes.



I walked back to my car, and watched as he struggled and had a mini anxiety attack trying to clean off my vomit. I smiled to myself as I put my keys into the ignition. I placed a mint in my mouth to rid myself of that horrid vomit taste. When I made it back to the clinic, I was just on time.

I still had that nauseous feeling. The whole time I was fighting to resist the urge to throw up again. When I made it home I showered, and laid in the bed. I contemplated telling calling Chris and telling him what just took place, but I decided the morning would be better time. Besides that was a public place, so I could've seen anyone. 

Better yet I probably should tell Chris. In case I happen to run into him again, Chris needs to know because I might have to take legal action against Jacob.

"Hello" he answered

"Yeah I have something to tell you." I bit my lip

"Well go ahead."

"I saw Jacob today."

"What do you saw him?" He said angrily

"Well I went to get food on my lunch break, and that's when he happen to be there."

"He didn't touch you did he?" He whispered

"No, but he did tell he how he won the trial."

"Let guess money right?"

The Physical Therapist|| Chris BrownWhere stories live. Discover now