"Where's Liam at?" I said taking a swig of the beer before handing it back to the tall Ausi next to me.

"Losing his shit in the other room, Nialls still trying to calm him down. Something about Charlie not loving him and him being fat," Luke said making me let a short laugh out catching their attention.

"That's exactly what Charlie said, god they are perfect for each other,"

"Did someone say Charlie," I heard Liam shout. "Maddie is that you!" I heard the door upstairs behind slammed open and feet were stomping down the stairs. Liam slide into my vision looking dashing in his suit. The perfect prince to match Charlie.

"Hi Liam," I said giving a little salute in his direction. "Lookin good," I said with a nod of satisfaction in his direction.

"How's Charlie? Did she send you here to call off the wedding, please tell me she didn't," He said spazzing out in front of me.

"No she actually had me come here to tell you that she loves you," I said rolling my eyes watching as his face got a stupid little smile I knew too well. It was the smile he got every time someone said anything about Charlie. "she's been over in our cabin freaking out that you don't love her and want to cancel your wedding,"

"What!" he said confused. "Maddie you have to go and tell her how much I love her!" he looked around the room franticly before running to a vase of roses in the corner. Snatching the vase he shoved the vase in my arms almost getting water on my dress.

I heard steps again before a hand ran over my shoulder and lips were against my cheek making me look up with a large smile.

"Back of my girl Hemmings," Niall said while walking around the couch helping me off of it. "Why do you humor him love?" he was referring to Luke's relentless flirting, it was all just a running joke between us that Niall hated.

"It makes me feel all wild," I joked while he jokingly scowled at me.

"Yes we get it Maddie pretends to flirt with Luke and Niall gets jealous. We've seen it all now go tell my soon to be wife I love her!"

"Oh calm yourself I'm going," I said to get him to shut him up. Niall leaned down and kissed me quickly before walking me to the door with the vase in hand. Another five minutes later I was back at the bride's cabin.

"Maddie your back!" Charlie said excitedly rushing forward her eyes catching the vase.

"Liam said he loves you and he sent you these flowers," I said handing her the vase before flopping on the couch tired from walking in the heals on the uneven ground that was outside.

"Oh my gosh he's so amazing," She said jumping up and down before putting down the vase grabbing a pen and paper that was on the desk writing furiously for a moment before handing it to me folded. "Give that to Liam," She said excitedly making me glare at her.

"Bu-but I just walked there and back!" she pouted giving me the 'it's my day' look.

And just like that the next two hours was spent playing telephone for the two hopeless lovers. I only walked there and back one more time before Niall and I devised a system of meeting halfway to hand off the note. Both of their faces were so bright every time they read one of their little secret notes, honestly makes me slightly curious what exactly they were writing.

"Ok that's it!" I said once I arrived at Niall and I's meeting place. "What could they possible been writing for the past two hours!"

"Probably how much they love each other, ooh or maybe they are sending each other dirty notes," Niall said suggestively as I giggled. "Lets read it,"

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