Sick Times

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*You and Ben have been dating for a year now. You moved in with him once you hit 10 months together. It's flu season, and you catch a cold.*

"Achoo!" You spilled your germs all over the air. You got a tissue and tapped it around your crimson red nose. To get more comfortable in bed, you shifted to your side, causing you to lose your warm spot in bed.

Your boyfriend, Benedict Cumberbatch, entered the room with a bed tray containing homemade chicken noodle soup. "Darling, I made you some soup." He set the bed tray on the nightstand and sat beside you. You only groaned.

Taking some hair out of your face he gently whispered, "Y/N, you have to eat love, you'll feel better and warm once you eat." He got your attention when he mentioned warm. You turned back to a lying position and, with the help of Ben, you sat up. He grabbed the bed tray and gently placed it in front of you.

You were not in an eating state right now because you were extremely sick. When you went to your doctors appointment, that Ben had arranged for you, he told you that you had only caught a cold and not the flu. This cold certainly did not feel like an ordinary cold. Every inch of your body was in pain, your body temperature was abnormal, you couldn't stop sneezing, it was becoming hard to breathe with all the mucus formulating in the back of your throat. You were just a complete mess a the moment.

Benedict noticed your expression towards the soup, "You don't have to eat it all, darling. Just a little bit, so you can at least have some food in your system." He grabbed the spoon and scooped a reasonable amount of soup in it, "Open wide for the airplane, vroom."

It's been a few days since you laughed, your boyfriend was too adorable. Apart from feeding you, he was making, what he thought were, airplane noises. Your laughs immediately turned to groins of pain once your whole body was shaken up. "Darling, are you alright?" He rapidly asked when your laugh changed. "Yeah, it's just that everything hurts when I do the slightest things. I can't even laugh." You shamefully lowered your head.

He deliberately grabbed your chin and raised it for each others gazes to meet. "Don't be ashamed, Y/N, everyone in their life has gotten a rough cold." He picked up the spoon again, "I want to see that dazzling smile of yours and hear those beautiful laughs that come out of you when I make you laugh. Now love, you have to eat."

You looked at him then smiled, you took the spoon in your mouth and painfully swallowed. "Just a few more and that's it," he tried to reassure you. You knew he was doing this because he loved you and cared for your health so you complied.

Just a few more spoon full turned into eating the whole soup. Ben was right, it did make you feel a lot much warmer and a bit better. You also couldn't deny that the homemade chicken noodle soup that Ben made was appetizing.

"That's my girl," he said giving you a peck on the lips after you finished your last spoon. "No Ben you're going to get sick. You also have a reading to go to next week." You tried to clean his lips but he dodged your hands. "If that means for me to lay in bed all day with the women I love, then so be it." He gave another surprise kiss.

He got the bed tray and put it on the nightstand so it wasn't in your way anymore. He promptly got a few blankets from the nearby closet and set them on the bed. Once that was done, he swiftly took of his shirt and was left in his sweatpants. You had a confused expression splattered upon your face. He got in bed with you and unfolded the blankets to cover the both of you.

"What are you doing?" You curiously asked. "I thought a few more blankets and the heat from my body can help you become a bit warmer." He spread his arms out signaling he wanted to hug you. You only smiled.

He pulled you close to him and spooned you from behind. You could feel yourself getting better. The nutrition from the chicken noodle soup, the heat from the bundles of blankets and the most important thing, the love and warmth of your truly, adorable boyfriend.

A/N: Sorry about this short imagine. If you have any imagine ideas that you would like me to write then please comment those ideas in the comments or you could always send me a PM. I hope you liked this imagine 😊 there are many more to come!

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