-After the fight-

I can finally move my body and Temari and Kankuro took Garra away and Sakura was set free from the sand.

I move slowly towards Mizuki as tears form in my eyes when I see her eyes closed and he body laying completely still.

I pick her up in my arms and I pull her close as I start crying as I brush her hair with my hand and I let all the tears spill out.

-The next morning-

I get dressed in all black as I leave my house and I shove my hands in my pockets as I walk silently to the meeting spot where I'm suppose to meet my team for the funeral.

I see Naruto and Sakura ahead talking as they stop and look at me and give me a small smile which I ignore.

I wasn't in the mood for their happiness or pity and I could care less about anything around me I just missed Mizuki.

Itachi's POV

-Day before-

I watched Mizuki fight Garra from afar and she has some real talent and has something inside her that we're looking for.

I look over at Pein as he stares at her intently when her eyes blaze red and chakra seeps off her skin as she punches him.

Pein gets amazed by how powerful she can become and he nods his head which means he wants her on the team.

We turn and leave as we head back to the hideout silently when we get there to see everyone here for once.

"I have an announcement." Pein says as everyone gathers around.

"I would like to inform you all that their is a Leaf Shinobi who we are going to try and convince to join us. If she refuses then we will make her join one way or another."

"What's so important about her?" Deidara asks crossing his arms.

"She is extremely strong. Well if we train her right. So far it seems that when someone she loves is in danger a side of her comes out that just is completely strong and can be to our advantage."

"So who's this Leaf Shinobi?" Sasori asks stepping out of the shadows.

"Her name is Mizuki Hatake."

"Kakashi the copy ninja's daughter?" Kakazu asks concerned.


"So how do you plan on getting her to join us?" Deidara asks again.

"We will find a way."

"I wonder if her blood tastes delicious." Hidan says smirking.

"I'm not to thrilled in taking Mizuki away from the leaf because she's keeping Sasuke happy and that's whats important to me." I think to myself.

"You're dismissed." Pein says before leaving.

"Itachi what are you thinking?" My partner Kisame asks walking next to me.

"Hn." I say as I keep walking.

"I saw that girl with you're brother. They are together is that what you're thinking about?"

I stop in my tracks as I stare at the ground silently then I start walking again leaving Kisame as I go to my room.

I sit down on my bed as I think about it when I hear a knock on my door and I see Pein again and he walks in.

"Will you go let Mizuki Hatake know she has a spot she just has to come take it."

I nod my head and he leaves and I do the same as I go to the Leaf quickly as I get there and the streets are empty.

I jump on top of a roof seeing the Leaf ninja at the Hokage mansion and I transform in to a crow and I fly towards them.

I see a picture of the Third Hokage in the middle with others around and I see Sasuke with his comrades and they are all wearing black.

I don't see Mizuki as I sit on a railing so I can hear Naruto and Sasuke talk back and forth hopefully getting a hint.

"Sasuke it will be okay. She will be okay." Naruto says looking at Sasuke.

"She's in the hospital with broken ribs, a head injury, neck bruises, a leg injury and she is having problems with that power in her."

"The hospital." I think to myself.

It starts to rain as I look up at the sky and I look back down at all the leaf ninja that are looking up at the sky then at the pictures.

"Even the heavens weep." A ninja with brown hair says.

I fly to the hospital quickly as I go to the doors and I transform in to a random leaf ninja as I walk inside seeing a lady at the front desk.

"Mizuki Hatake please." I say softly.

"Are you family?"

"Yes. I'm a cousin." I say nervously.

"Alright room 325."

I nod my head as I walk to the elevator and I click floor 3 as it shuts and moves slowly up then dings and the doors open.

I walk out and I walk down the hall scanning the room numbers when I finally reach hers and I open the door seeing her laying with her back to the door.

I close the door a little loud as she turns and looks at me and she sits up and crosses her arms and I walk in front of the bed.

"Who are you?" She asks weakly.

"I'm Itachi Uchiha." I say as I transform back.

"S-Sasuke's brother?"

"Yes. But I'm here to tell you that you have a spot with the Akatsuki if you want it."

"I-I would never j-join you."

"You would if the safety of your father depended on it."

"Don't touch my father."

"Then soon you better join us. If you don't then you can kiss him goodbye cause he'll be dead in a minute."

Mizuki's POV

I stare at Itachi as I feel tears reach my eyes and I clench the sheets tightly and I take a deep breath.


He disappears when my door swings open showing Naruto's blonde hair and he looks at me and smiles.

Following him is Sakura, Kakashi, then my beloved Sasuke as they surround my bed and Sasuke takes my hand in his.

"How are you feeling?" Naruto asks and I smile.

"Better than before. I have some bruises on my stomach but other than that I have a slight headache."


"Can I talk to Kaka Sensei alone?" I ask and they nod.

The three step out as Kakashi takes a seat next to my bed and his eye meets mine in seconds as I take a deep breath.

"Here soon I'm gonna leave the village."

"What?! Why?"

"The Akatsuki came and threatened your life if I didn't join."

"Mizuki I can watch after myself."

"Dad please. I don't want you getting hurt."

"But Mizuki..."

"Dad. This is your life on the line. I know what I'm doing and I can take care of myself."

"How are you gonna tell them? Tell Sasuke?"

"I'll leave a note and leave at night and you'll act surprised."

The three come back in and I give them a smile which they return as they join my side once more and I spend my last moments with them.


I bet you thought Mizuki died. Didn't you? Well i tricked ya!!! XD

Love you guys <3


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