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Joji was fragile, and so was Ian. Both boys grew up trying not to break the shell that their parents had spent so long building.
But like everything else, it broke. Ian was the first to free himself, and he started dating whoever he pleases at the age of 12. It took Joji a little longer, and he stopped following like a blind little fob when he was 17.
Ian had slipped into happiness right away, while Joji had fallen into depression. Ian helped him through it, carrying his best friend to the doctors office for new pills and staying home with him when he didn't want to go to school.
One time Ian have Joji a pet river snail, and the smile on his face that Ian saw, he hadn't ever seen. Joji actually looked happy for once, all because of a little creature that Ian had given him. Ian remembered over hearing Joji talk to the counselor one day, and he walked away before he could feel bad. "The only reason I haven't killed myself is because of a snail," he'd muttered.
Ian couldn't sleet that night, just thinking about what Joji said.
But that was then, and now they were living together, making a living from YouTube. Joji had gotten the balls to ask Ian out, and Ian had said yes.
Everything was so much better now.

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