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(Ian and Joji are together but Ian's parents don't know that he's gay so Ian made up a fake girlfriend)

Ian was a crafty kind of a guy when he was sad. He'd make pillows, blankets, hell, he even made Joji a teddy bear when he got stressed one time. But he kept it pretty much under control.
One day Joji came home with a bag of takeout in his hands to find a sobbing Ian sitting on the couch, surrounded by new pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals he'd never seen. He set the bag down and went over to hug Ian. "What's wrong?" He asked. Ian pulled him down, making Joji sit on his lap. "M-my parents called, and, and they want to meet my girlfriend, and they don't, don't knew about you, and I don't want them to get mad, or, or, or," Ian stopped talking. Joji hugged him, and tilted his head up for a kiss. "You don't have to let them meet me, you can say that you and her had some issues and that you're not together anymore." Joji whispered, smiling softly. Ian looked down. "But what if they want to come over?" He asked. "Let them come over, there's two rooms for a reason babe, I'll sleep on the couch for however long they're here and you can have the bed to yourself and they'll get a bed." Ian smiled. Joji seemed to have a solution to everything.

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