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The mind is a great big puddle of blackness of you think to much. That's what Joji knew for a fact. His mind was a horrible place to be, and an even worse place to thinks about. He'd tried to kill himself three times, and if that wasn't proof, then god damn what else did he had to do.
Ian knew nothing of the attempts, only that Joji hated himself. He'd tried to help, but really, what chance does a tea light have in the void? And so Joji fell deeper, out of Ian's light.
In his fourth try bed managed to tie the rope tight enough. It took only a few seconds for him to gain the will power to text Ian goodbye and tip his chair over.
When Ian got the text, he understood right away. That Joji was dead, never to be alive again and he couldn't stop the tears. 'Bye bye dewdrop. I've always loved you but my time has come to an end, I hope that you manage without me. You meant the world to me Ian carter.' It read.
Ian didn't stop crying that night. And soon enough his mind was just as dark.

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