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Ian was doing an experiment. Not an ethical or morally right one, but an experiment all together. He was going to try and brain wash Joji. It meant doing a list of things Ian wasn't comfortable with, like having to force Joji to have sex with him and beating him bloody, but the only answer he could give himself was that it was in the name of science.
He got close to Joji first, than asked him on a date. He agreed and they hit it off strong, and it made Ian lay awake at night wondering what he was doing. 
The first time he'd hit Joji it hurt him more than his victim. It left Joji with tears in his eyes but Ian with a gap in his heart.
Step one: send the victim different messages. -i.e., telling him you love them and that you'll change and turning around and hurting them again-
The next thing left Ian feeling hollow. He didn't want to do it, but he knew he had to. He forces Joji to have sex with him after they'd gotten into a fight that -always- led to Joji being beaten. After it happened, Ian went for a walk. He threw rocks into the pond angrily, pissed off with himself.
Step two: wear them down. Finished.
Ian didn't want to keep Joji awake at night but he had to. He had to beat Joji more if he tried to sleep earlier then three and get up later than six. It was starting to take control on him, making him chug energy drinks and down full pitchers of coffee.
Step three: sleep deprivation. Finished.
The last step wouldn't be so hard. Isolation was what it was, and Joji was almost at his will now. He could see the way he'd flinch when Ian started to raise his voice, or the way he's snuggle up to Ian Ian in bed, tense and scared.
"I don't want you to go out with your friends anymore." Ian said one day. He saw Joji nod and look away. "I'm the only one who loves you," lie. "I'm the only one who will ever love you and you know that." Lie. Lie. Lie. It was all a lie.
Step four: isolation. Finished.
Joji would bend to his every will now. And he hated himself for causing it. He glanced over to Joji's sleeping form, deciding, for once, that he really didn't need to hurt him anymore. He just tucked the blanket tighter around him.

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