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requested by: @jojivloggs

The school only did one bring your let day every year, and this was the last time it would be done. Most of the high schoolers didn't bring their pets, all thinking that they were to cool, or they couldn't bring in a 270 pound dog easily. And that's why Ian had to walk to school with his black lab (idk if he has a black lab) and Joji had to take the bus with his hamster in its little ball.
Class had started as normal, but the kids got time to show off their furry friends -or scaly in the case of a few kids with snakes wrapped around their shoulders.- Ian proudly showed his dog off, "her name is chip and she eats everything she can get a hold of," he said, reaching down to let his dog. Her tongue lazily lolled over the sold of her mouth and she leaned into Ian's touch.
"This is Mark, he's a hamster and he spends a lot of time in this little ball because he's fat." Joji explained, letting the little yellow ball roll around on the ground.
Both teachers had made the mistake of leaving their doors open, and while Ian's dog got spooked and ran to the hall, Joji's hamster somehow escaped his little ball and booked it for the hall. Both boys ran after their pets, trying to catch them.
Ian got his dog after a few minutes, running back to go and help his boyfriend before he would go back to class. Ian found him crying in the hall, empty little ball on his hand. Ian wasted no time in grabbing the ball and slipping a small limp on fur into it. Joji watched him through teary eyes as Ian closed the door and the little lump of fur started to move. "You found Mark?" He asked. Ian nodded and leaned down to give Joji a kiss.

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