Confessing to Cody

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Keith ran away from that room, and disappeared. I gathered up my clothes, and put them on. I went onto the bus, trying to blink back tears. I was shaking. God, what if I was pregnant?

If looks could kill, I would have been dead. Greyson's stare was like fire. I calmly went into the bathroom, changed into my sweats, came out, and went into my bunk, and closed the curtain.

Three seconds later, my curtain was whipped open. Cody slid inside the bunk, and sat down across from me, struggling to fit into my tiny bunk.

"What's going on with you and Greyson?" he asked.

I was silent.

"You can trust me. Greyson and Alli  have the door closed in the fun room, and Troy is sleeping on the other bus tonight. Tell me, please!"

I started to cry.

"Hey, now!" Cody said, putting his arms around me, trying to comfort me, "It's okay. You can tell me."

"You don't know much about me. Greyson doesn't know anything, either. You know that guy Keith you just met? I haven't seen him for seven years since he moved to LA. He was kind of my boyfriend. Well, kind of. As far as 'boyfriends' go in second grade. We were best friends. I thought he really liked me, but then in second grade, something in him snapped. It was then he made my life miserable. It eventually got so bad, that my parents tried child anti-depressants for me. I've been taking them ever since. I haven't been taking them since I met Greyson, but I guess I shouldn't start now," I started crying again, "Keith just raped me."

Cody said,

"Where are those pills?"

I got the bottle from under my pillow, and handed it to him. Cody ripped open the curtain, stomped back to the 'fun room' and I could hear the door being whipped open.

"DUDE?" Cody yelled.

"What?" Greyson said.


"Yeah, she's cheating on me!"

"No, she's not!" Cody yelled the rest of the story to Greyson. 

"Oh my, God," Alli said.

I heard some crying. Greyson was crying.

"Go talk to her, man. She's scared."

Greyson ran to my bunk, and got in.

"I'm so sorry," Greyson said, tears rolling down his face.

"It's okay, I promise."

"What if you're pregnant?"

I started crying again.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned that."

"We're telling Troy tomorrow. In about a week, you guys are on vacation, so you can tell your parents then," Alli said.

"I'm going with you yo tell them," Greyson said.

"Thanks," I said.

"Shouldn't we get a pregnancy test meanwhile?" Greyson asked Alli.

"I don't know. Isn't it too soon to know?" Alli said.

"Probably, we'll have to wait a few days. If my period's late, we'll know for sure, and we'll get a pregnancy test," I said, "Oh. God, I'm so scared!"

"Well, here's the good news. Keith could be charged for rape," Cody said.

The next day, we told Troy. He agreed with our plan, and said that there was no way the media should know about this, to keep it as secret as possible. 

A few days passed. We tried to keep it normal as possible, with all the shows, meet-and-greets, and backstage tours on our minds.

Then, my period was two days late.

"Okay, it's time we get a pregnancy test," Troy said, "Now, we need to get one, and not be recognized."

"I could do it!" Alli said, "I have some hair dye and a lot of makeup. I think we can pull this off."

"Okay! Cheyenne and Alli, you work on disguising Alli. Cody and Greyson, you keep watch for the paparazzi. Here's 50 bucks. Buy several of them, to be sure."

I helped Alli dye her hair black, and I framed her eyes with dark eyeliner.

"Luckily, the dye comes off after one shower," Alli said, "What do you guys think?"

"I can't recognize you at all!" Greyson said.

"Just do your American accent, and you're all set!"

We watched as Alli went into the gas station store, and came out ten minutes later, with a bag of pregnancy tests, and Sunny D.

"We're doing it 'Juno' style, Cheyenne, drink up!" Troy said.

It only took half of that huge gallon of Sunny D to make me pee for all five pregnancy tests. They all came out positive.

""My life is over," I said after I exited the tiny bathroom from my last test, "I'm pregnant."

"You're parents will probably take you to a doctor when you get home," Troy said, "That's the only way to know for sure."

"Okay," I said.

Two days passed, and me and Greyson were sitting on a couch with Morgan in my house. My parents were sitting in the chairs across from us. 

"Well, spill it! What is it?" my mom said.

"I think I'm....pregnant," I said.

"Oh, my God!" my parents screamed at the same time. My dad jumped up, ran over to the couch, and pinned Greyson to the back of the couch. 

"Dad, it's not Greyson's!"

"Well, who's is it?" Morgan said.

"It's Keith's. He raped me a week ago. I took five different pregnancy tests. They all came out positive."

My mom started to cry. I have never seen her cry before. My dad slowly let go of Greyson, and smoothed his shirt.

"Sorry about that," my dad told Greyson.

Next thing I knew, we were all in my little room at the hospital, pacing back and forth, waiting for the doctor to come in, and tell us what happened.

"Well?" we all said as the doctor opened the door.

He smiled at us.

"Great news! You're NOT getting pregnant anytime soon!"


We were all jumping up and down, screaming with joy.

"I suppose those pregnancy tests were pretty bad quality. No pregnancy this time," the doctor said, "You be careful out there, okay, Cheyenne?"

"Of course! Thank you so much, Dr. John!"

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