Pizza Lunch

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I whispered in Morgan’s ear again,

“Kenton is hotter in person.”

“Agreed,” Morgan said, drumming her fingers on the leather seat.

The five of us slipped out of Miranda’s limo, and the Shake It Up kids saw us immediately.

Bella ran up to Cody, and hugged him.

“Oh my gosh, Cody! I haven’t seen you in forever!” she said.

“Yeah, long time no see,” Cody replied. Once Bella let go of him, he nervously shoved his hands in his pockets, and rocked back and forth on his heels.

Morgan muttered to me,

“I think Cody likes her.”

“So does the rest of the world.”

The rest of them were talking to Miranda and Greyson, talking about how none of them have seen each other since Cody’s birthday party several months ago. Morgan and I just stood there awkwardly, watching Bella and Cody talk. I noticed that Cody couldn’t keep eye contact with her. Either he really likes her, or really doesn’t like her. It’s kinda hard to tell with guys. He would laugh at what Bella was saying, even if it wasn’t that funny. I nudged Morgan.

“He really likes her.”

“I can tell.”

Greyson came over to me, and took my hand. He pulled me over to where Zendaya, Kenton, Caroline, and Adam were.

“Hey guys, this is my girlfriend, and my opening act….”

“Cheyenne, of course,” Kenton said, shaking my hand.

“We couldn’t stop watching the winning video,” Zendaya laughed.

“You’re an amazing singer,” Adam said.

“Thank you,” I said, smiling.

Morgan was right behind me, and I didn’t notice.

“Oh, this is Cheyenne’s friend, Morgan,” Greyson said.

Morgan greeted them all, and then we decided to go inside and eat together.

We found a big table with ten chairs in the back of the tiny restaurant. There were no other customers. All the tables were empty. I was sitting in between Morgan and Greyson. Bella and Cody were sitting next to each other right across from us, and Kenton was right across from Morgan. Morgan took a napkin, and pretended to put in on her lap, but instead, she slipped a small Sharpie out of her pocket, and wrote a note and passed it to me. I read it under the table:

Score! Right across from Kenton! I want to be his bayyybeee! :)

I couldn’t help but laugh at Morgan’s joke.

“What’s so funny?” Greyson asked me curiously.

“Oh, nothing.”

Bella took a break from flirting with Cody to talk to me.

“So, Cheyenne, are you excited for Greyson’s tour?” 

“Super excited,” I said, grinning at the thought of traveling the country with Greyson and Cody.

“So you three are sharing a tour bus?”

“Yep!” Cody said.

“I hope I get to catch one of your shows,” Bella said, “I’ll see if I can find the time, and I’ll take Zendaya with me.”

Zendaya was talking to Miranda, and she quickly leaned over once she heard her name.

“Talking about me?”

Bella answered,

“Want to go to a Greyson Chance, Cody Simpson, and Cheyenne concert sometime?”

“That sounds great!”

Zendaya went back to her conversation with Miranda. 

A tall, teenage waitress came over to our table, and you could tell it took all the power in her not to scream.

“Oh my gosh, you’re Miranda Cosgrove! And you’re the Shake it Up cast! And you’re Greyson Chance! And you’re Cody Simpson!” Then she looked at me, “And you’re Cheyenne Walters! Congratulations on winning the contest! Loved the Youtube video!”

“Thank you so much!” I said.

“Alrighty then, what can I get for you?”

We all agreed we should get three large pizzas. One cheese, one pepperoni, and one sausage.

Once the waitress left, we started talking again. Morgan and Kenton were talking and laughing. I was too busy talking to Bella, Cody, and Greyson to hear what they were talking about. But I could tell that Morgan was in Kenton Duty Heaven.

A group of four preteen girls and their mothers came through the front door. I started to get a little nervous. 

Great. Now these girls will be hounding us, and they won’t leave us alone.

The girls ran over to us. So we signed autographs, and the moms snapped pics on their phones. There was also a toddler in a stroller that we also got our pictures taken with.

“Hi, sweetie, how old are you?” Greyson asked the little girl.

“I’m thwee” she said, in her little voice.

Greyson lifted her onto his lap. She was the cutest little girl I had ever seen. Brown pigtails, blue eyes. Her features were perfectly smooth, like porcelain. If I didn’t know any better, I probably would have thought she was a doll. 

She tugged his sleeve, and then whispered something in his ear.

Greyson smiled, and then said to her,

“Yes, I think she’s really pretty too.”

The little girl smiled at me, and then her mom called her back to her table. So Greyson put her down, and she ran back to her mom.

“What did she say?” I asked him.

“She said, ‘your girlfriend is really pretty’.”

“Awww! That’s adorable!” I said.

“It’s the truth,” Greyson said.

“Thanks,” I said, smiling, and probably blushing a little.


Just Give Me a Chance: A Greyson Chance love storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu