Chapter XXXIX: Fearless

Start from the beginning

Well, yeah, maybe there’s a little part of me that’s saying that he do likes me. With the way his words move me whenever he says something unexpected but sweet at the same time.

I’m just going with the flow. A very slow flow, if I may say so. But maybe… it’s worth waiting.

And Raf has bigger problems at the moment. Of course, I won’t forget the matter about his dad and his scholarship that he got. I’m very proud of him and I wanted to tell him that but I can’t barge in with his issues if he doesn’t want me to.


“Yah. Together as in you’re boyfriend and girlfriend. You date, you kiss, you make-out then when it gets steamy you may even have―”

“Okay El! I get it! You perv!” I snapped and now she’s the one laughing

“I’m just kidding” She raised her hands in surrender, “So, do you know what are his plans for your special day tomorrow?”

Plans? Special day?

Oh that.

Shoot! I almost forgot. It’s my birthday tomorrow and… oh my god! I also forgot about that. Raf did asked me if I wanted to spend my day with him and I said yes… eeeeeeep! Now that I remember it, it made me more ecstatic than hitting Liam down there and I’m so thrilled, I want to jump as high as I could.

“I actually have no tiny idea and knowing Raf, it would just be a surprise for me”

Elina sighed dreamily, “Even if I don’t know what he’ll do, I’m already feeling giddy for you and a bit envious. I have a feeling you’ll have the happiest, best and perfect birthday ever!”

“I hope so” I truly do. But to make it the happiest, best and perfect birthday, I have to do something first.

I got up from my bed and started towards the door, running a hand over my messy red hair. I think I should cut it.

“Hey, where are you going?” El sounded curious

I turned to look at her, “I’m doing something right” I didn’t let El asked more as I opened then exited through the door then walked towards the elevator.

When the elevator dinged, I entered then pushed the number five button. It stopped before I even got to think what my actions would do then it opened, revealing the floor for the elites in the women’s dorm. I walked slowly then stopped infront of a door with 502 engraved in the center.

I breathe deeply, shaking my hands at my side. My heart was hammering inside my chest but I have to do this. It’s now or never.

With shaky hands, I knocked on the elegant door...

But my hand wasn’t able to made contact with the wooden door when it suddenly flung open. My pale blue eyes met large brown eyes. Those lovely eyes that I used to compare to a tarsier’s eyes but was turned into slits staring dangerously at me.

“What are you doing here?!!” Christina’s squeaky voice echoed around the hallways. I was startled by her sudden outburst but then remembered, she does have a big grudge towards me.

“I’m here to talk”

“Save it!” She snapped, raising her hand to stop me, “I’ve already got a sermon from three people. You don’t need to tell to my face that I’m wrong and that I’m a desperate and hopeless woman who wanted to steal a gay’s heart!”

The big question written over my forehead was: WHAT?

I can’t cope up with her. What was she talking about?

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