"No." He says turning his head.

"Then how are you gonna get out?" I ask and he sighs.

"Fine." He says and I start doing hand signs.

"Earth style head hunter jutsu release." I say as Sasuke is able to get up.

"There." I say smiling.

"Thanks." He says softly.

We walk back to the other three as I sit down next to Sasuke as Kakashi looks at us.

"I've decided I'm not gonna send you back to the academy." He says.

"I passed? But I fainted. You get points for that?" Sakura says dumb founded.

"I think you all should quit being ninja." He says harshly.

"What?!" Naruto yells while tied to the stump.

"Naruto you barged right in not thinking. Sakura you only looked for Sasuke when Naruto was right in front of you. Sasuke you thought the others were so far beneath you and Mizuki I've explained this test to you millions of times yet you still decided to sit and watch instead of jumping in to help." He says angrily.

"Because I was observing. Gathering information." I say softly.

"I don't care. Your comrades are in danger. Don't be a brat and just watch." He yells.

His words hurt, they stung really bad as Sasuke gets angry and runs at him but Kakashi pins him down.

"Don't step on Sasuke like a mat!" Sakura yells.

"There will be missions when someone is taken hostage and you have to make that hard choice to decide who to save. Such as Mizuki kill Naruto, and Sakura if she doesn't, you kill Naruto or Sasuke dies." He says holding a kuni to Sasuke's neck.

"The point of this is teamwork. You all would have gotten a bell if you'd worked together." He says.

"But there's three bells." Sakura says.

"Yes I pinned you against each other hoping you'd look over that and still work together." He says

Sakura gasps but Kakashi gets off Sasuke as he walks over to the KIA stone.

"This stone holds the names of heroes of the leaf. Put their life on the line." He says.

"That's it! I want my name on that stone!" Naruto yells.

"It's KIA." Kakashi says.

"That sounds cool! What does it mean!" He says.

"It means killed in action Naruto." I say sadly.

"My comrades names are on this stone. So is Mizuki's clan. Alright I'll give you one more chance." He says.

"Really?" Sakura says happily.

"Yes. Eat lunch. But don't give Naruto any because he tried to eat without everyone else. You will have three hours to get the bells this time and I'll be much harder." He says before disappearing.

I pick up my food as I stare at it as Kakashi's words run through my head over and over.

"Don't be a brat." He said.

I hear Naruto's stomach rumble so I turn and hold out my food towards him with a smile on my face.

"Mizuki you'll get disqualified if you do that!" Sakura says.

"You wouldn't mind me out of the way. But he's gone." I say holding up food to Naruto's mouth.

"Naruto would just get in the way of the objective." Sasuke says as he offers his food also.

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