Ëthia: Chapter 28 ~Seviah~

Start from the beginning

We rode for another short time until the carriage came to a stop.

The captain hopped off the carriage and unlocked the door that was trapping us all in.

The door opened and a flood of light came through and blinded us all momentarily.

"Wow" I said immediately rubbing my eyes and leaning forward.

"Listen" the captain spoke quickly, "The next time you see anyone you know it will be Felicity and Ivan, they should be in the palace trying to find a way to get that key and scout out the area".

"Will they know where we are?" Jarom asked with concern.

"They should, they've been here all day".

In the distance there were guards who were approaching the carriage.

The captain instantly had his demeanor change, "I said get back down!"

Instantly all three of us laid back down in the carriage.

"They are all yours" The captain spoke.

"Thank you captain" One of the men replied.

The men were slightly darker than Felicitys skin, they had the same almond eyes that everyone here had, and they each had black hair that complimented them well.

Although we were their prisoners, I must admit these men were very attractive.

The men violently yanked me out of the carriage and began laughing at the little grunt of pain I made.

I looked back and Jarom, although still mad at me, I could tell he wanted to lunge forward and hurt these two.

I quickly gave him a look of 'no'.

The men put medal bands around my hands so that I couldn't move them apart from each other, soon Jarom and Dax too were in my situation.

The men shoved us forward and led us through some of the palace before we were led down some stairs and into a dark room.

Everything was made of stone, it was dark, cold, and completely unwelcoming. There was a slight wind coming from somewhere which only made matters worse, and the ground was slightly wet.

The guards opened a cell door and shoved all three of us into a single cell, which was much roomier than the carriage.

The guards laughed and walked away, key in hand, and we were left trapped waiting for Ivan and Felicity to save us.

"This could be worse" I said out loud.

"Why do you say that?" A dark unseen voice spoke.

I screamed a little and jumped back away from the bars of the prison.

"Who was that?" Jarom spoke and walked towards the bars of the prison.

"Me?" the dark, gravely, voice spoke once more, "I'm right across from you, don't worry, yours eyes will adjust to the darkness of this place eventually".

Jarom turned back around and looked at me coldly, "Still think this could be worse?".

"What is the matter with you!" I yelled at him. "What did I ever do to you that made you hate me?!"

Jarom snapped around and was instantly in front of me, "Don't you ever say that I hate you, you know that's not true, you know that's nowhere close to being true!" He took a deep breath and took a step back, "I hate how you're always putting yourself in danger, Ëthia, that's what I hate". Jarom turned towards the back of the prison cell and went and sat in the corner on the cold, wet, floor.

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