Ëthia: Chapter 26 ~What's the Plan?~

Start from the beginning

"That would be my wife cooking" The captain replied with a smile on his face.

"Daddy! Daddy!" A high pitched voice shouted from inside, soon a little boy, who had to be around three, arrived at the door and put his hands up towards his father wanting to be held.

"Well look at my big boy, you've gotten bigger, haven't you?" The captain asked picking up his child.

"Mommy says I'll be much bigger than you" The child smirked.

We walked in the door and closed the door to the cottage.

The main room was very spacious and very warm feeling, the furniture was red, orange, and yellow all over the place. Little orbed lamps would hang from the ceiling while vines with white flowers grew on some of the walls.

"And who is this?" A woman's voice spoke.

Looking away from the home I drew my eyes over to one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.

Her long, dark, loosely curled hair reached her back while her light brown eyes seemed to have captured all of the light in the room. The captain himself was a very tall man and she was slightly shorter than I was. She was thin, stunning, and I could completely see why he was taken with her.

"These are some kids who stole a ride on my ship" The captain replied in the most irritated manner.

My attention shot to the captain and he instantly busted into laughter.

"Don't worry, my wife knows me to well, we've been united for too long".

His wife rolled her eyes playfully and then turned her attention to us, "So tell me, who are all of you?"

"Tell the truth this time" The captain said with a smile on his face.

Dax, Jarom, Ivan, and Felicity all looked at me waiting for me to make the first move.

"I'm Ëthia, princess of The Water Colony, just on a little journey is all".

The wife looked at me with a blank expression while her husband played with his thumbs in the corner.

She turned her glance over to the husband and then back at me and then back at her husband once more.

"It's not as bad as you think" The captain spoke to his wife.

She shot him a glare that could only burn through one's soul.

"How dare you!" She yelled softly, "How dare you try to treat me like a foul!"

Once more she turned her gaze to me and approached me, "Alright, how much is he paying you to pull off this prank? It must be a lot because I have never seen a dark skinned girl so close before".

Stunned, I truly didn't know what to say, I mean, what do I say?

"Well?" The wife asked again.

"I am the princess of The Water Colony" I repeated once more.

"And I am the prince of the Tree Tribe" Dax quickly added.

I turned and looked at Dax, "Even I still have a hard time believing you".

Dax put his hands in the air like he surrendered and became quiet again.

"That's impossible" The wife said to me, "You can't be the princess, we celebrate your death every year on the same day". She looked at her husband and then at me. "You... You just can't be the.... You can't be a princess."

Felicity stepped forward and tried to make things a little better, "I know this is incredibly hard to take in, and maybe this won't help, but I too am royalty. I am princess of The Air Realm".

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