Ëthia: Chapter 25 ~Her Last Breath~

Start from the beginning

The captain and I stood there looking out towards the sea as the morning sun rose higher and higher in the sky. I enjoyed the moment while it lasted but then was ready to head back down to the room where my friends were sleeping.

I turned around and stopped as the captain put his hand on my shoulder.

"I do have one more question for you, Ëthia".

"Go for it".

"The fire empire celebrates the day we defeated a prophecy, the day that we...the day that we killed all your royalty. How is it that you're still alive? How is it that you are of their blood when your whole family line was wiped out"?

"I'm not exactly sure how it happened, but what I do know is that my mother somehow was able to get me out of the palace and out of harm's way, from what they tell me a little boy found me and brought me forward, somehow this little boy knew everything that had happened".

"So when the assassins showed up they didn't realize that your mother had a child already?".

I looked at the captain and he seemed so amused by the story, I guess in a way it was fascinating. "I assume so, I was a baby captain, I wouldn't have remembered."

The captain looked out at the ocean some more, "Isn't is it interesting that of how big this world really is someone is looking out for you, someone has your back".

I too looked out at the ocean and remembered getting to talk with my mother, "Yeah, it is interesting how that happens".

"Captain" A voice spoke from behind.

Both the captain and I turned around to see that it was a sailor asking for direction on what needed to be done for the morning, I took this as my chance and slipped away back downstairs to my friends.

I closed and opened the door softly only to have Ivan wake up and look at me.

"Where have you been?" He whispered.

"Just getting some fresh air, Ivan".

I walked over to the couch that Jarom had been sleeping on, but at some point he rolled off of it and onto the floor, I took this chance and laid down on the couch and got comfortable.

"Ëthia" Ivan whispered.

"What?" I whispered back.

"You were gone for a long time, were you talking to someone?" Ivan asked.

"The captain" I said.

"About what?"

I took a moment to think about it and then just said it, "About how I'm the princess, little stuff like that".

"What!" Ivan shouted.

Instantly everyone was awake and throwing their pillows at Ivan, "Shut up", "Be quiet", "Can't we get any sleep?" They all spoke at once.

"This better be good" Jarom said as he finished rubbing his eyes.

"Well it's a good reason for waking you all up but not good news in and of itself". Ivan explained.

"Just hurry so we can actually go back to sleep!" Felicity snapped.

We all looked at her a little stunned by the yelling.

"What?" Felicity responded, "I need my sleep".

"Ivan was just going to say-"

"Woah!" Ivan said cutting me off, "I woke them up, I get to tell them.".

I motioned my hand for him to go for it.

"Ëthia, told the captain about who we really are!".

The Water Princess: ËthiaWhere stories live. Discover now