Chapter 43: Starry Vs. Wilma

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At school, Mrs. Pioneer has treated me differently now, she doesn't make much of sarcastic remarks at me, she actually calls on me to express my intellect with students. For Niall, he's always chatting with me, getting us in trouble. We did hang out with Celine. She was nice, I do like her now but I still watch my back for her, I don't completely trust her. She does make me laugh; she's just like Niall, loud and laughs at anything. She also makes me feel insecure when I'm around her, anyone make me feel insecure actually.

As for my dog Vicky, she got pregnant three weeks ago, my poor baby is going to be a mother. I scorn whoever got her pregnant, they ruined my beautiful flower.

And when my mom's family came over and met Wilbert, all my aunts were all over him, just like they did to Zayn. Even my uncle's tells me that their wife's make them feel insecure, they give them no attention.

Today has been officially one month and one week since I've moved back home.

I thought about all of that while I was sipping coffee early in the morning watching Vicky suffer pains. Then my mother barges into the kitchen "Hello Emma. Good Morning." I look up and smile. She runs her fingers through my hair, sighing "I just got my bloody period today and Wilbert is coming over." I laugh "Well, at least I know you guys won't do it today." She scoffs, hitting my back "Emma!... Anyways, I'm going to target. Need more pads?" I sigh, remembering the last time I used them, remembering today's date. My mother asks "What is it?" I sigh, looking at her "I was suppose to get it this week. Usually I'm never late." My mom smiles "It's the stress honey. I mean transitioning the time zone, school and well now Vicky. You're just stressed honey."I smile and sip again. She blows out air, walking away "Well I'm going now. I'll be back in a few. If Wilbert comes early, entertain him please."

I place the cup down and pet Vicky. She looks so miserable and sick. It must be horrible being pregnant. Suddenly Wilbert and Harry storm into the house "Did you see the fight yesterday! It was so epic!" Wilbert agrees "I Know Right! One punch and he went down!" I yell "DO you GUYS mind lowering the testosterone! Vicky isn't feeling well." They walk into the kitchen, judging me for shutting them up. I roll my eyes and hug my poor baby. Suddenly Harry blurts out "You do know that dogs deliver in like three, four months." I look at him, rolling my eyes "You do know we took biology together." He shrugs and bites a banana. I sigh "What are you doing here Harry?" he scoffs "What? Just because I'm white. You're racist!" I look at Wilbert with a desperate face but he laughs at me. I roll my eyes and look at Harry "No! Because you're an idiot." He sticks his tongue out and throws the banana to me. I catch it and bite it twice.

Once my mom got home, I punished Harry by putting our pads in our restrooms. It was hilarious watching him turn red at the sight. The disgust look on his face was priceless.

During the day, we played a bunch of board games. Of course I teamed up with Wilbert because team "Starry" (My mother's name Stephanie and Harry's Name put together) make a great team and always win but I feel different with Wilbert. He actually tries to win. We called ourselves the 'Wilma' team. Now that I think of it, they're great names. Anyways we were tied 2 to 2. They won at charades and Pictionary while we won at twister and Life. The settling score will be determined by monopoly, the game that destroys friendships and relationships. Usually it would be Uno but Natalie flushed them down the toilet after mom won her. Those were competitive days.

Before we started playing monopoly, we all pinched in and helped make dinner. My mom decided to cut the onion. She smiles, looking up at Harry "Harry you know why I'm not crying while I chop the onion?" her big grin was priceless, seems like a seven year old winning a tiara. Harry smirks "Because you have no soul?" She yells over to us "Emma told you! Didn't she!" While Wilbert and I laugh at her. She gets annoyed, throwing lettuce to us. Harry just laughs and takes humor in it all.

After dinner, we play monopoly but then sadly, Wilbert was called into an urgent situation at the hospital so we had to postpone our victory. So far Wilbert was winning, meaning team Wilma was winning. They didn't want to admit it because they're sore losers but they have it coming. My mom went to bed while Harry and I watched Back to the Future 2. Old memories of us come flashing back to me. We were sitting down when we were little and watch this trilogy over and over again until either Natalie complained or we passed out in the sofas.

History repeats itself because next thing I knew, I feel asleep next to harry and missed my face time with my friends and Zayn. I slept through the entire night with crazy sleeper Harry. When we woke up, he was sleeping on the other side of the living room, his shoe was off and he had his leg resting up on the coffee table. I tippy toe to him, and try not to laugh. I lean into him, facing him, and then I breathe in a big gulp and let it out with a scream. Suddenly he wakes up screaming and jolts to sit up but he clashes with my forehead. I dizzily move back two steps while Harry's head hit the floor. I laugh at myself for being an idiot and at him, screaming like a little girl.

He lazily sits up, groaning "I hate you!" I smile and walk to the kitchen, sitting on top of the stool. There I wait for Harry to come back and my mom to come and cook for us. While I wait, I try to remember if I had something important to do. I think but my brain isn't registering anything. I give up and look down at Vicky. I coo her until Harry comes into the kitchen, groaning "You're gonna give me a bruise. Wait until I tell your boyfriend!" That's it! Zayn! I jump off the stool and run to my room. They all called me last night but didn't pick up.

How Did We Get Here // Luke Hemmings & Zayn Malikحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن