The Last Piece or Not..?

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~Raph's Perspective~

As we were all climbing Tokka's shell, it roared and looked at the rock that Jimena, Casey, and Chompy were hiding at. Something told me that Chompy was Tokka's baby!

"Tokka's a mom?" I asked in curiosity and surprise.

"Aww! How cute!" Mikey smiled.

"Too cute!" Haylie and Aqua said.

I saw Jimena giving Chompy back to Tokka and then she started attacking the Triceratons again with her flaming breath. We were all still climbing, trying to reach the top of Tokka's shell that contained the last piece we need.

"Come on team! We're almost there!" Leo said.

"Just a little more!" Aqua said too.

As the Triceratons were dropping spike bombs at Tokka, she roared loudly in pain. But I heard a chortle and looked up. I gasped as Chompy was falling from her!

"Chompy!" I yelled his name and jumped down. After I grabbed him, I shot my grappling hook at a rock. But it slipped and we were both falling into the lava. "No!"

But Mikey had a hold of the hook with his nunchuck blade. "I gotcha bro!"

"Thanks Mikey!" I went to a safe edge and put Chompy there, but he wanted to come back to me. "No no Chompy. Stay here with your mama. Stay, good boy." I smiled as he stayed and I started climbing back up to my gang.

"Come on guys! We're almost there!" Leo said as he climbed up to the piece.

As we all made it there, we all started pushing the piece. We all kept in pushing until we got it loose, but it was falling.


"The generator thingy!" Mikey said.

~My Perspective~

"Oh no! The piece!" I panicked. We all watched as the piece was going to fall into the hot pinkish lava.

But as it was about to, a light blue beaming light shines on it. It was the professor's ship beam that saved it!

"Hooray! Yay! Awesome!" we cheered for the professor.

But just then, the piece was taken away by Dregg's ship! "Haha! So long suckers!"

"No!" Raph said.

"We had it!" Haylie said.

I growled. "That no good buggy eyed fucker!"

"Come on everyone!" Fugitoid said as he was beaming us up to the ship.

"Whoa!" we all said.

After he beamed us up, we left the planet and chased after Dregg's ship.

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