Xaava Dal and Anger Issues

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~The next morning in Jimena's Perspective~

I was looking out the window from our Scout Ship, seeing that there was a planet there. "Hey sissy, look at this!" I smiled.

(Arriving at Xaava Dal, what an

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(Arriving at Xaava Dal, what an... interesting planet... I think...)

"Whoa. This planet looks pretty... Decent." my puppy said, feeling a bit nervous.

"We'll be landing shortly." Fugitoid said.

"Don don!" I called for my boyfriend.

"Yes honey?" Don Don asked me.

I winked at him. "I can't wait to find that piece." I smiled.

"So do I baby girl." he smiled back at me and pets my head.

As soon as Fugitoid landed the Scout Ship, we all got out of it. Earlier, I waved goodbye to Casey and Haylie because it might be dangerous to them and the kids. As I was looking around, the world around me looked... strange. "Don Don. I don't like this place." I frowned.

"I know. Me neither sweetie. But the sooner we find the black hole generator piece, the sooner we can get out of here." he said with a smile while holding my hand.

~My Perspective~

I was looking around the strange domain until I saw a little black creature that looks like a alien spider monkey bat type of hybrid mix. "Whoa. Cool."

(You know, it looks a bit kinda cute

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(You know, it looks a bit kinda cute. :3 No lie though.)

Mikey was about to touch it, but Hope pulled him back before the creature bit him. "Bad Mikey! I don't want you to get Space Rabies!"

"Space Rabies?" Mikey said. He thought about it and screamed. "Wah!!"


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