Hope's Arrival

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~???'s Perspective~

I was walking around the new place that my aunt and uncle told me to go. It was big and bright, I was totally lost. "Hmm... It was Aqua's birthday yesterday. I should probably pay her a visit. But... Where is she..?" I asked myself that.

Just then, my nose caught a familiar scent in the air. I looked around to see whose scent I've smelled. And then I saw a German Shepard, it was Zeus! "The fuck? Zeus! Here boy!"

He saw me, ran for me, barked at me, wagged his tail, and licked my face. I laughed as he did that and pulled away.

"What are you doing here buddy? And where's Aqua?" I smiled as I pet his head.

He barked the message and I found out that he was patrolling the streets and that Aqua was the lair.

"At the lair? What the fuck is a lair?!" I asked.

Zeus barked and lead me into an alleyway, then he pointed to a sewer manhole cap with his tail.

"What the fuck? In the sewers?! Why the hell would she be in there?!" I asked as I opened it with all of my might.

Zeus climbed down and I jumped down, earning myself rotten smells in the tunnels and dirty water. "Eww, it smells like ass in here!"

Zeus barked, telling me to follow him and I did. But then I stopped.

"Oh shit, I didn't get her anything! Oh, what am I saying? My presents are always the best gifts of all." I said as I took out a blue box. "I know she'll love it." But then I heard laughter.

"Hmm..." I ran to the source of the sound with Zeus running next to me. As I found the source, I looked around. "Whoa..." I said looking at the lair in awe, but I didn't know where Zeus went. "Zeus? Zeus! Where are you?" I said his name.

~My Perspective~

All of us were laughing when Sensei showed all of us his pictures with the guys while they were little. Just then, Zeus came in and barked a hello.

"Oh, hey Zeus. How was the patrol?" I pet his head.

He took a part of my dress with his mouth and tugged it a bit. He whimpered a bit and wagged his tail, trying to tell me something.

"What's wrong buddy? Did you find something?" I asked him and he barked.

Just then, I saw a yellow wolf coming in which made me gasp. "Zeus, where the fuck did you..." she gasped as she saw me. "Aqua!"

"Hope!" I said happily.

She came over to me and hugged me. We nuzzled each other as we both churred. Then she pulled back with a huge gasp as she saw my belly. "HOLY FUCK!! YOU'RE SO FAT!"

"Sis..." I pouted.

"No wait..." she poked your stomach and gasped. "ARE YOU PREGNANT!?!?"

"Yes I am."

"With who?! Who's the baby daddy?!?!"

"That would be me." Leo smiled.

Hope growled at Leo. "Did you get my sister pregnant?!" she growled more at him.

Leo raised his arms up in defense. "L-Look, I'm sorry okay? We both agreed that we'd have a family together! Right baby girl?" he looked at me.

I nodded my head. "Yes. Hope, leave my Blue Eyes alone."

She sighed and stepped back. "Fine, but I got my eye on you."

Leo hugged me. "She's scarier than you Angel Eyes."

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