Going Back in the Past

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~In New York City~

As I got out of the portal, I looked around to see I was back in New York City! "I can't believe I'm back in the past!" I glanced at the lights, then I heard the others coming out. I turned around, to see that they were curious about theirselves.

"Dudes, look at us! We're like, more solid or something!" 80's Mikey said.

(3-D 80's turtles!)

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(3-D 80's turtles!)

"You guys are in my dimension, a 3-D dimension like those science fiction movies." I smiled. "Oh, and there are a few things you should know. Our generation lives in the shadows like true ninja."

"Okay." my other self and the rest agreed.

"Now let's go find Kraang before he blows up the planet." I said as I climbed up to the roof with the rest of them following me. Leo would be proud that I was a leader and that I met his other self. I wonder how he's doing now that I wasn't on the ship.

~Back on the Ulixies in Leo's Perspective~

"What do you mean she was taken by a wormhole?!" I panicked.

"Aquamarine was honed in by a hyper spatial matter force that targeted her and then disappeared in the wormhole! And I don't even know where she is!"

"This is crazy! If she's hurt when she comes back, I'm blaming it on you Fugitoid." I glared at him.

"Calm down Leonardo. She'll be just fine. If only I could do something about it..." he thinks.

I sighed and started pacing back and forth, wondering how much time it'll be when Aqua comes back home.

~Back in New York City in My Perspective~

"So how are we gonna find him, Donatello?" 80's Leo said.

"He's close. As long as Kraang is carrying portal tech, I can track him like Michelangelo sniffing out pizza!" 80's Donnie said.

I laughed a bit. "That's what my Dimensional Mikey would do! If only he could in serious cases..."

80's Donnie stopped which made all of us stop running. "I think I found him! Up there on the Channel 6 building!"

I took out my binoculars and spotted him on the antenna." I see him!" I zoomed in closer. "It looks like he's planting some kind of bomb. Probably the Dimensionizer bomb!"

"Okay guys, here's the plan. Donatello will disarm the weapon while the rest of us takes down that creep, Turtle Power!" 80's Leo said as he and the others took out their weapons.

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