Raph & Haylie's First Kiss!

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~2 hours later in Raph's Perspective~

I was waiting in the living room with Sensei, Mikey, and Zeus. Sensei was drinking his tea as always and Mikey and Zeus were both pacing back and forth. I just sat on the couch, then I started thinking about Haylie. She seems to be a really interesting girl, despite all the things I've said to her. And I really love her, I wanna tell her how I truly feel about her. I heard the door from the dojo open and Aqua came out.

"How is she Aqua?! Is she okay?!" Mikey panicked and Zeus looked really worried.

"Shh... She's okay Mikey. She gave birth to 4 baby puppies." she smiled.

"Yay!" Mikey whispered cheered and went in.

I got up and walked to the dojo to see Haylie petting the girl dog that's nursing her newborn puppies. They looked pretty cute.

(Zeus and Bandit's newborn puppies! From left to right; Lala, Chico, Delgado, and Chichi

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(Zeus and Bandit's newborn puppies! From left to right; Lala, Chico, Delgado, and Chichi.)

"Great job Aqua. They're as healthy as can be." Donnie complimented her.

"It wasn't just me who helped Bandit give birth. It was Haylie, Donnie, and Leo too." she smiled.

"Nah, I just helped a little." Haylie blushed.

"But you're a big help at what I needed so that Bandit could be okay during her birth. And I thank you for that." she smiled and hugged her.

I saw her hugging Aqua back which made me smile a little.

~My Perspective~

After I hugged Haylie, I pet both my dogs good night and they fell asleep together. I gave both of them a kiss on the top of their heads and yawned loudly. "Good night my brave dogs. I love you both."

"Come on. The new family need their rest, and us too." Leo smiled as he picked me up.

"Okay..." I yawned and laid on his plastron. I was very tired from the slain of Red Claw and helping Bandit give birth. "Good night guys..."

"Good night." they whispered as I fell asleep in Leo's arms.

~Leo's Perspective~

After Aqua fell asleep in my arms, I said good night to the guys and took her into her room and laid her down gently. I tucked her in and gave her a kiss on her lips, hoping that she might kiss back. And she slowly kissed me back. I pulled away and smiled a lot. "Good night Aqua. I love you."

"I love you too Leo." she smiles in her sleep.

My heart melted like ice cream. I was happy that she was happy that her enemy is dead. I closed her door and went to my room, falling asleep and dreaming about my brave mermaid princess.

~Raph's Perspective~

Haylie and I left the dojo quietly. I was blushing, thinking if I should kiss Haylie or not. I saw the beautiful girl stretch and she looked at me.

"Well. It looks like it's time for us to go to bed." she said.

"But..." I started.

"But what Raph?"

"But before we go to bed..."

"Do what?"

"Do this." I picked her up and dipped her like that dance move I see in some movies. I heard her gasp and felt her holding onto me. 'Please don't hate me...' I prayed as I closed my eyes and pressed my lips onto hers while blushing as red as my mask.

~Haylie's Perspective~

As soon as I felt Raph kissing my lips, my eyes grew big and I blushed red. 'Omg! He's kissing me! What should I do?! Wait, I need to kiss him back before he hates me for not doing anything.' I thought to myself as I blushed very red and kissed him back.

I felt Raph kissing me some more and I kept kissing him back. I held onto him so that I wouldn't fall on the ground from his dip he surprised me with. After a minute or so, I felt him bringing me back up and he pulls away. As soon as I opened my eyes again, I saw that Raph had ran to his room. I grew a bit sad that he was gone and I didn't say anything about that kiss. So I sighed and laid down on the couch, closing my eyes.

I smiled in my sleep as I was dreaming about the kiss. I nuzzled my pillow happily and slept the night away, hopefully with Raphael.

~Raph's Perspective~

I retreated to my room. It was dark and I was trapped in my own heart. I couldn't believe that I kissed her! I could feel the heat coming to my cheeks and I looked in the mirror knowing that I was blushing in the dark. But then I felt a bit sad because I skedaddled from the scene after I pulled away from Haylie's warm and soft lips. 

I kept thinking whether I should go back to her and confess. 'No... If I confess to her, she might hate me from the kiss I gave her... And she might not wanna date me, an ugly mutant...' my thoughts said sadly to me. So I crawled into my bed and fell asleep.

~My Perspective~

I woke up an hour later feeling a bit lonely. I looked around the room that Sensei cleaned up for me when I first moved in. There were Japanese symbols all around and candles too. It looked a bit boring, so I turned on the light and started drawing a picture that I can put on the wall like I did back home.

~A while later~

I finished drawing me and Leo when we kissed for the first time in the pool. I blushed at the picture and smiled while hanging it on the wall with a thumbtack.

"Hmm... This place needs more creativity." I said to myself. So I started drawing and coloring pictures of everyone using my phone and put them up on the wall. The walls looked very pretty with my pictures I drew. If anyone saw these pictures, they would be surprised.

~Another while later~

I hung up everyone's pictures on the wall and admired them. "There. All done." I said tiredly.

"Now to go to sleep..." I put my stuff back in my art box and went back to sleep happily.

" I put my stuff back in my art box and went back to sleep happily

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(My art box)

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