Hiidrala, Cthugga, and Hatred

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As we made it into the throne room, we looked up to see an alien with tentacles and sky blue eyes with no pupils. "Whoa..."

"Pretty." Jimena said with a smile.

"Whoa, is that their leader?" Raph asked.

"Yes it is Raphael." Fugitoid said.

"She beautiful." I smiled.

"Yeah she is pretty." Leo said as he looks up at her.

"How does she see when her eyes are white?" Hope asked.

"Everyone, bow down to her majesty Hiidrala." one of the Daagon guardian said.

Pretty soon, we all bowed down to the queen as she looked down at us. "Who is the leader of the expedition for the 2nd black hole generator piece?" she asked.

I saw Leo standing back up straight and looking like a leader up to the queen. "My name is Leonardo, and I am the leader of my group here."

~Hiidrala's Perspective~

I nodded my head and looked at the person next to her. I grew surprised to see that the female wolf was a mermaid as well. I cleared my throat. "And who is that there? With the mermaid tail?" I asked the leader of their group.

"That would be my second in command and my fiancé." Leonardo said.

"Raise your head up my dear." I spoke to her.

I witnessed her raise her head up. "I'm Aquamarine. And we're here to retrieve the 2nd piece of the black hole generator piece."

I thought about what they have to do in order for them to get what they're desired to have. "I see. Then if you want to have the piece, you must be worthy and slay Cthugga."

"Who's that?" Leonardo asked.

"It's the rarest sea monster that terrorizes the Varunian ocean. He's a dangerous creature to some of us here in this room as we speak."

"We are willing to slay this monster and to retrieve what we desire." Aquamarine said.

"Wise choice young mermaid." I bowed to her. "Good luck."

The group bowed down to me and left to their ship while I stood at my throne.

~Time Skip in Leo's Perspective~

I was watching Aqua swimming by the ship as we were driving. I looked at the moon watch, telling me that she has about 2 hours left until she turns back to her normal self. I was getting a little worried about what would happen if she got eaten by this Cthugga monster the queen spoke of.

~Hope's Perspective~

I wanted to see the babies, but Leo doesn't trust me with them. "I'm gonna be in a room so... later!" I zoomed out and headed straight to the babies' room. "Hey guys!"

The babies both looked at me while Bart was nibbling on his foot while Dreamer barked at me and wagged her tail. I giggled and picked them up. "My two little baby monsters!" I laughed.

They both giggled and nuzzles me. I nuzzled them both back and smiled warmly. "I don't care what Leo says. I will be in your life kids and be there for you, no matter what."

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