Dimensions Saved and Home

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As we all got out of the portal, we were all back inside of the Technodrome. "Aw man."

"Ha! Welcome back losers!" Kraang Subprime said.

"How are we losers? We stopped your plans!" I smirked.

"Oh! Aw, Kraang." 80's Kraang said.

"It's over." 80's Leo said.

"We stopped your little scheme." my 80's self said.

"We deactivated all of your Dimensionizers." 80's Donnie said.

"You're finished." 80's Raph said.

"That's right, pink dudes. You can't blow up our realities anymore." 80's Mikey said.

"Blow up realities? You've been trying to wipe out dimensions we've been trying to mutate for thousands of years?! Are you insane?!" Kraang Subprime yelled at 80's Kraang.

"Well, you did say wipe out the Turtles at any cost!"

"This is why I banished you to Two-Dimensional Earth in the first place.
Because you're an idiot! A moron! A dingleberry! So you know what?! I'm kicking you back!" he said as he kicked out 80's Kraang into the portal.

As we all snickered in silence, he looked at us. "Oh, no. Not again! I've had enough Turtles and wolves for a whole lot of millenniums!"

"Let's take this wad of chewing gum down!" I said with courage.

"With pleasure." 80's me said.

"I've had enough of this dweeb. Turtle Power!"

"That's not good. What are you doing? Oh!" 80's Raph pulled him out of his walking machine.

"Aw, yeah! A little hacky Kraang, Michelangelo?" 80's Raph said as he and 80's Mikey were toying around with Kraang Subprime like a beach ball.

"Put me down, you maniacs! Gah!" he yelled at them.

I took a kick at him up high. "Booyakasha!"

"This'll keep you out for a while." 80's Donnie smirked as he shot the portal.

"No! I hate black and white!" Kraang Subprime said as he fell into the portal into the Primary Turtles' dimension.

"Well that wasn't such a chore now, was it?" 80's Raph said.

I laughed and looked at my other self and 80's Leo. "Leonardo. Thank you, for everything." I smiled at them.

"No, thank you Aqua. Without your help, all of our realities would be doomed." 80's Leo said. "Now it's time for you to go home. Donatello, the portal please!"

"Gotcha!" 80's Donnie said as he shoots open a portal for me.

"Hold up! Let's take a selfie!" I took out my phone and everyone soon gathered around me. "Say Booyakabunga!"

"BOOYAKABUNGA!" we all said and I took the selfie picture.

"Great one guys." I smiled and gave all of them a hug. Even my doubled self.

"Aquamarine. Thank you for everything and for being a great double of me. I'll never forget you."

"Neither would I, Aqua." she smiled. "And if you happen to come into our dimension again, just howl a song and we'll come."

"Thank you." I hugged her and pulled away. I looked at all of them, including my 80's self holding hands with 80's Leo. I smiled and bowed to them. "See ya guys. It was a blast being with you. And I hope we can have more fun soon."

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